Back from my travels once again, this time it was a little further away in Mildura. I had a great time with the group. Wonderful folk.
Travel on Monday was interesting.... I've mentioned previously that I'm making a documentary and I stop often, so having a full day to return home was a luxury. I went through Barmera to visit Lake Bonney and shoot footage of the trees, wildlife and the stark environment and then drove down to Swan Reach to the ferry, down past Sedan and I was sailing along very nicely. ABC radio was entertaining me. The GPS set to keep the speed in check, cruise control set at 108 just below the speed limit.
I was listening to the Stain Guru.... she had a phone question "how do you get boys water out of your shoe"? "boys water.... you mean urine, how did it get in your shoe?" hesitantly the person on the line just said......"Well lets say he was in time out and had his revenge".... I was laughing so much that I almost failed to see the Policeman on his bike coming towards me. Suddenly he put his hand out, turned on his flashing lights and signaled me to pull over.
"Help" I thought.... And I looked at my speed... No problem, well maybe he wants directions.
As he pulled up behind me I wound down my window. He approached the car.... (I wasn't going to get out, I watch CI and this was a deserted road right out in the countryside)
"What the problem" I asked him. "Do you realize you were speeding"? I opened my eyes wide... I knew I was within the limit... Unfortunately it seems it was the wrong limit... it was now 100. Whoops. So I produced my license and he looked at the GPS and said that he didn't realize that it gave the speed..... "Sure I said and it beeps if I go over".... So we began to talk about the GPS... I mentioned I use it in the USA and Britain.... "Wow what sort of a job do you do to travel so much"........ a little silence and then I said "I teach Quilting" He looked at me as if I was pulling his leg..... Quilting.... "Oh yes he said I see your number plate."
OK so I had to tell him all about Quilting. There we stood on the side of the road chatting about his impending wedding, where he was going on his honeymoon. His children he was leaving with his ex..... etc.... etc.... "Have you got children he said?"..... Well that began another conversation.
"OK now tell me about this quilting you do".... so we had show and tell right on the road side, Drowning Bear draped across his bike and the sun shining against the brightest blue sky.....
I got a warning and a blue slip which I told him I would put in my diary for posterity.....
but we had a great chat and he got to know about quilting.... I have his number because I think he deserves a card for his wedding in 2 weeks time.....
I now have 3 weeks at home teaching which is a real luxury....
Moral of the story.... You never develop character by never making a mistake.
I'm a quilter and I travel the world sharing my love of quilting with friends and students. I find myself in some interesting places and situations - but I wouldn't have it any other way!!!!
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Stained Glass window
This is my project for the
week. The Victoria and Albert M
useum in London is the place I love to visit most of all in London. I have been studying stained glass windows and this was one made in the 1400's. The ink used in the window was the same as the ink I use on fabric and this is my fabric stained glass.
week. The Victoria and Albert M

Gems in time
10 pm and the car is packed. Just the clothes and computer to go in and I’m off once again. We’ve been home two weeks now and it’s been rather a whirlwind. Children shifting back home, grandchildren visiting and staying, projects and manuscripts to finish and in between that I’ve had 2 trips to the country. Last weekend it was Pt Augusta and the beauty of the Gulf. One of my favorite places to visit is the small town of Pt Germein originally settled as a deep sea trading Port in the late 1800's. The historic timber jetty is still the longest wooden jetty in Australia. When built, back in 1883, it was the longest jetty in the southern hemisphere at 1,664 meters (5,459 feet) Storm damage reduced it's length to 1,283 meters (4,209 feet).
I had the luxury of time to walk the Jetty and take photos. As I walked, I suddenly realized it was the first time I had been alone since early December. I love the solitude I encounter on my travels; it is a way of focusing and refreshing the spirit. The day was just perfect, and in my shorts and T’s and warm sun I thoroughly enjoyed the experience… but more was to come, was that a sign with a quilt on it in the main street? Of course the quilting car stopped automatically. What a find….. the store was filled with all sorts of exciting bric a brac, vintage handicraft goodies, antique quilts and all manner of old sewing supplies. I browsed for a while, then from the bowels of the store came a woman dressed in the most interesting style. Her appearance fitted the store perfectly…. A skirt made up of antique fabric, laces, buttons and large Suffolk puffs. A vest of Asian origin and a wonderful big Aussie hat with a bright blue feather…..Oh and boots of course to finish the overall ambience. Not known for quiet clothes I felt quite plain in my shorts and T-shirt…..
We talked for ages, where did the old quilts come from? One by one they were unfolded and an explanation of their origin was explained… there was the one made from men’s suits, even the pockets had been left in…. it was just wonderful. In came a couple of locals and so we sat for another chat… probably in their 70’ they were transports from New Zealand. We talked about all sorts of things, Mr. told me of a doll he had when he was a child and a lady had just repaired it for him, now it was better than when he was given it at 4…… and then they asked if they could see a quilt or two… show and tell ensued of course…. They just couldn’t believe it that you could make a picture out of fabric and call it a quilt….!!!!
They stood on the step and waved as I drove off; I just love those little gems in time….
Pt August was wonderful; I stayed in a house situated right on the gulf. We watched the sunset from the verandah and marveled at the reflections on the water. Temperatures of 39 – 40’s don’t stop those gals from quilting…and we set to with gusto. Two days of classes and they made some wonderful quilts…. Many of my Tutor peers tell me they run on sheer adrenaline at the end of class because there is so much to share… I’m the same; I wound down on the 5 hour trip home and fell exhausted into bed.
The rest of this week has been spent right here in the shed…. Writing, for days, and making samples. My web page takes up hours and working on two computers is rather frustrating....
As for travel, Mildura is further than the last two classes so it will be a 1000 km round trip and 4 days away.
But what a gift.
I had the luxury of time to walk the Jetty and take photos. As I walked, I suddenly realized it was the first time I had been alone since early December. I love the solitude I encounter on my travels; it is a way of focusing and refreshing the spirit. The day was just perfect, and in my shorts and T’s and warm sun I thoroughly enjoyed the experience… but more was to come, was that a sign with a quilt on it in the main street? Of course the quilting car stopped automatically. What a find….. the store was filled with all sorts of exciting bric a brac, vintage handicraft goodies, antique quilts and all manner of old sewing supplies. I browsed for a while, then from the bowels of the store came a woman dressed in the most interesting style. Her appearance fitted the store perfectly…. A skirt made up of antique fabric, laces, buttons and large Suffolk puffs. A vest of Asian origin and a wonderful big Aussie hat with a bright blue feather…..Oh and boots of course to finish the overall ambience. Not known for quiet clothes I felt quite plain in my shorts and T-shirt…..
We talked for ages, where did the old quilts come from? One by one they were unfolded and an explanation of their origin was explained… there was the one made from men’s suits, even the pockets had been left in…. it was just wonderful. In came a couple of locals and so we sat for another chat… probably in their 70’ they were transports from New Zealand. We talked about all sorts of things, Mr. told me of a doll he had when he was a child and a lady had just repaired it for him, now it was better than when he was given it at 4…… and then they asked if they could see a quilt or two… show and tell ensued of course…. They just couldn’t believe it that you could make a picture out of fabric and call it a quilt….!!!!
They stood on the step and waved as I drove off; I just love those little gems in time….
Pt August was wonderful; I stayed in a house situated right on the gulf. We watched the sunset from the verandah and marveled at the reflections on the water. Temperatures of 39 – 40’s don’t stop those gals from quilting…and we set to with gusto. Two days of classes and they made some wonderful quilts…. Many of my Tutor peers tell me they run on sheer adrenaline at the end of class because there is so much to share… I’m the same; I wound down on the 5 hour trip home and fell exhausted into bed.
The rest of this week has been spent right here in the shed…. Writing, for days, and making samples. My web page takes up hours and working on two computers is rather frustrating....
As for travel, Mildura is further than the last two classes so it will be a 1000 km round trip and 4 days away.
But what a gift.
Home and Recovered.
Recover - "to restore ones self to ones normal state" Just what is normal? Last week was a week of recovery, renewal and a sense of home. However, there was no time for too much relaxation because I took off again on Friday to teach in Loxton a town in the Riverland some 250 kms from Adelaide. With my Ipod in full force and the sun on my back, I drove through red soiled country, a ferry across the river, through vine laden hills and wheat fields that fairly glowed in the evening light. I observed flocks of pink and grey galahs and white parrots against the blue sky, I thought I LOVE MY JOB.
My host and hostess are farmers and their house is big, sprawling and welcoming. We sat and chatted over dinner in their large country kitchen and shared similar experiences.
I LOVE MY JOB, I meet the most wonderful people.
We had a two day class and at lunch time despite the high heat we sat under the big sprawling trees out the front of the cottage on the property that is now a most wonderful Quilt Shop.
Over lunch Pam (student) was explaining in great detail about a problem she had with "Dulcie" and how her neighbor was trying to help her out in this very difficult situation.... Her neighbor, a Nun I think, didn't know how to help so she offered to sprinkle holy water on "Dulcie". I surmised that Dulcie was an errant child or difficult elderly parent... No, she turned out to be Pam’s very large quilting machine. Now the mind boggles at a neighbor Nun sprinkling holy water on Dulcie to make her perform.....!!!!
Students came from far and near and once again I am humbled that they choose to come to my classes. I LOVE MY JOB.
Trying to fit everything in is a little difficult at the moment... but early mornings and late evenings accompanied by a little Bach helps. This morning friend Jeanette and I drove to the beach and rode along the foreshore. It was a magical morning. Clear skies, sun on the ocean and good conversation, then a gourmet breakfast cooked by Daughter Callie.
I have a great deal of writing to complete and very little time to consider quilting, but I did get to the machine for a few hours this week. I LOVE MY JOB
The latter part of today had been preparation for another 4 days away into the outback. This will be my routine for the next few weeks. The family is surviving, the dogs are pleased to see me home and the doves have forgotten I'm their provider. Oh well I'm recovered.
My host and hostess are farmers and their house is big, sprawling and welcoming. We sat and chatted over dinner in their large country kitchen and shared similar experiences.
I LOVE MY JOB, I meet the most wonderful people.
We had a two day class and at lunch time despite the high heat we sat under the big sprawling trees out the front of the cottage on the property that is now a most wonderful Quilt Shop.
Over lunch Pam (student) was explaining in great detail about a problem she had with "Dulcie" and how her neighbor was trying to help her out in this very difficult situation.... Her neighbor, a Nun I think, didn't know how to help so she offered to sprinkle holy water on "Dulcie". I surmised that Dulcie was an errant child or difficult elderly parent... No, she turned out to be Pam’s very large quilting machine. Now the mind boggles at a neighbor Nun sprinkling holy water on Dulcie to make her perform.....!!!!
Students came from far and near and once again I am humbled that they choose to come to my classes. I LOVE MY JOB.
Trying to fit everything in is a little difficult at the moment... but early mornings and late evenings accompanied by a little Bach helps. This morning friend Jeanette and I drove to the beach and rode along the foreshore. It was a magical morning. Clear skies, sun on the ocean and good conversation, then a gourmet breakfast cooked by Daughter Callie.
I have a great deal of writing to complete and very little time to consider quilting, but I did get to the machine for a few hours this week. I LOVE MY JOB
The latter part of today had been preparation for another 4 days away into the outback. This will be my routine for the next few weeks. The family is surviving, the dogs are pleased to see me home and the doves have forgotten I'm their provider. Oh well I'm recovered.
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