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On the road again

Wednesday, March 30, 2005
I'm writing this as I wend my way to LA. 14 hours encased in the body of a plane is enforced rest compared with the past few weeks. I must admit, I find it a little harder to relax going than coming home.
I spent Easter in the 'shed' doing what I like best. The days were long but the outcome satisfying. I competed the quilt I needed to make for a National Magazine... it was challenging indeed. I received a range of fabric and had to design a quilt around that genre. With just ¾ of a meter of each piece of fabric it was a challenge and stimulating. The result, a romantic Victorian quilt that shows the fabric to the best advantage. The pattern will be published and magazine readers can make the quilt in any form they choose. It's the ultimate pleasure to have someone mention that they made and enjoyed one of my designs.
Not only that I had to design a second quilt with the fabric and following the theme I chose a design I worked on at this time last year. (well a partial design at least) A visit to the art gallery in Edinburgh Scotland fired the creative juices when I was introduced to the work of the Glasgow girls. I purchased a book
The Glasgow Girls
I have poured over the book many times and designed several experimental quilts using the art deco designs that were so popular at that time. So this second quilt is inspired by the Glasgow Girls.. and I think it will feature in a series of projects over the next few months.
It occurred to me as I was looking through the book that one of our most famous card illustrators has taken her ideas from the same genre..!!!
My plane flight was interesting... I had booked an upgrade, however, it seems to have been lost in the system somehow and I found myself sitting next to a rather portly gal. I felt sorry for her, she was sort of poured into the seat... and part of mine. Her friend in the window seat wasn't much better...
I arrived in LA and was almost first off the plane, I whipped through immigration and with priority baggage, I was waiting for my shuttle just half an hour after landing.
I have a full day of traveling tomorrow so I opted to stay over in LA... I'm so pleased I did... after little or no sleep I walked into the room at the Marriott and I collapsed into the big feather bed... I don't think I moved for 5 hours.