Duluth is an historic city situated on the Southern shore of Lake Superior.
The history of Europeans in the area actually started in the 1630s with the first voyageurs to visit the area. Prior to this Duluth was the land of the Sioux.
This week it is the venue for the Annual Minnesota Quilt Show.
The day dawned misty and dull, but by 10 am the sun had broken through the clouds and we ventured to the quilt show.
You can walk almost all over the city of Duluth without going outside... there are skywalks joining all the buildings and it gives one the impression that the weather is rather inclement here at times.... Inclement is an understatement I believe.!!!
I have been given the statistics that the show is the 3rd largest in the US... don't quote me on that, but I will say the quality of the quilts on show were equal to any I have seen. I believe there were over 100 Judged quilts. I'm in awe of some of the work displayed... I do wish I could show you the photos I have taken... but it would be professionally incorrect of me to show you other peoples quilts without their permission.
So I will try to paint a word picture.
There are 100's of gals staying in our hotel which is adjacent to the convention centre. There's a continuous stream of people walking back and forth across the walkway. Purposeful steps, bags in hand, cute clothes, smiles and chatter. Friendships are obvious and camaraderie seems to be a prerequisite.
Two stadiums of vendors and quilts can entertain a fledgling quilter for an entire day or so....I have wonderful memories of Duluth, I won my first award here some 10 years ago...I won my first Best of Show here 2 years ago and now I'm just plain visiting.
There are dozens of good quality classes and lectures offered and I have just returned from an entertaining dinner attended by a thousand or more participants...
Why do we enjoy a quilt convention? Is is the creations of others that stimulate our senses?
I personally love to examine other quilts... I take numerous photos of each quilt... and continue the excitement for many months after the event... I like to think that we share a passion without question. I saw one of the quilts exhibited in a class some years ago.... now it is completed and I feel a companion sense after seeing the quilt take shape...
I don't pretend to understand the intricacies of the creative process of the maker...but it sure is wonderful to see the finished article.
Duluth is an interesting place... the buildings around the port have been refurbished
and host corridors of interesting antique malls, restaurants and clothing stores...
We walked for several hours today just taking in the ambiance of downtown Duluth...
I will put up more photos on
webshots"Choose to feel good and your actions become more effective. Choose to feel good and you'll see opportunities that you otherwise would have missed."