I'm a perfectionist. At times I'm at conflict with myself. I strive for the ultimate in my work and at other times I take life a little too casually...I loose patience with the minor things in life that others take so seriously... Listening to the news this morning caused me to muse on the fact as I packed my bags once again.
Packing is an art. Everything has a place in the cases.... but before I complete the packing I have to charge the cameras, the ipod and the cell phone..check under the beds for lost shoes or stray clothes.
The retreat is over and now time for a break. I look forward to the break, once again in conflict... I love being with my friends but I love my work equally... I am itching to get on with my projects....
We have a re-union today with the folk who came on my tour to Australia. They have made wonderful memory quilts depicting the tour... Over the past few days we have reminisced and laughed at many of the incidences... Now they want to return again. Most of us are taking a cruise to the Bahamas in January... We have 80 attendees and as it's a quilting cruise I will be sharing the teaching with the wonderful Sue Nichols... I've been privy to the preparations this week and it's going to be a grand tour.....!!!!
"Everyone has a photographic memory. Some just don't have any film."