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What's it like to be a traveling Quilter?

I carry 120 lb of luggage in two cases and a carry on. I can piggy back the 20lb case on one of the large 50 lb ones and effectively walk with 3 bags at the same time..
The 20 lb carry on, contains a digital projector, a large camera... Numerous cords, a computer and the mouse etc. Add to that my GPS for the car and speakers and essential papers.
One large bag has clothes and work paraphernalia.. and the other is purely work. I ship, patterns, books and pens....
I need to keep the batteries charged on the camera's, phone and Ipod.. so all that stuff comes too...
I can't even begin to explain the weeks of preparation that goes into a tour.... I won't even go into organizing the fare, contracts etc...!!!!
Class papers and supplies need to be prepared a week or so in advance... Clothes organised carefully and co-ordinated...And there is rarely time to shop so you need all your personal items on hand.
Health is important.. You just can't get ill on a tour.. So I take lots of vitamins and get plenty of exercise. An average day ends late and begins early. For instance, tomorrow I will get up around 5.00 and make sure I have everything ready for my class. I spend an hour or so listening to my favorite music on the ipod or the computer as I go over the the days class. I catch up on the news from home, talk to the family and attend business mail.
Breakfast is often a non event for me as long as I have coffee, but here at the University we mix it with the Bagpipers, the returning students and the numerous camps occurring during the holidays.....
Class begins at 9.00 but I usually check the room I'm teaching in around 6.30/7.00
The students generally arrive around 8.00. I begin formal teaching at 9.00 but inevitably the class begins with the first students arrival.
The class we're doing is intense and the students are eager so it will be an early start.
The day goes so quickly... I always wish for more time... but class ends around 5.00 and I have to repack to catch an earlyflight at 7.00 am Sunday morning.. It will probably be a late night due to the farewell dinner and lingering conversations with fellow Teachers.
There are inevitable adventures during plane travel...Tomorrow I catch a small prop plane to Phoenix, then one from Phoenix to Minneapolis, next a 3 hour shuttle to Long Prairie...
It's been one hectic week and very exciting... but what a way to go....

"Not one shred of evidence supports the notion that life is serious."