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Oh what we gals do to make a buck.

Still at Quilt Fest folk, it's been wonderful, except someone nicked the heater in the middle of the night and we all froze to death... Teachers hobbling with chill blains are not a pretty sight...The heater appeared again each morning but that didn't help those gals who were in dire need.
Now this is a delicate situation... one teacher had a very small class, one being a lady of advancing years who had a flatulence problem. Oh I forgot to mention that said lady was deaf and very obviously didn't hear her bottom bellows... Oh, but the rest of the class did folks....!!!!
Last night 48 gals arrived for dinner armed with just a small bag of Doritos- and a fork. At the allotted time a lady from the streets arrived with her shopping trolley and collection of goodies in big plastic bags... it was a bit embarrassing I must say. Can't imagine anyone actually dressing like that, but there she was, big as life.
She had no teeth, wore daggie old sneakers (size 10) for her size 7 feet, a nice little number that resembled black hose with daisies painted on them and over that a pair of footy sox. Her fur coat and floral shirt and tie were a nice touch too. Considering the crowd, I thought her bright orange workman’s vest and helmet saying "Crowd Control" was very sensible.....
She led the assembled group down the aisles and they filled their Doritos bag with chili mince and all sorts of wonderful stuff... then they sat to eat it with a fork... The said gal said it was a form of eating she discovered in the good ol USA, but we know it was actually just a disguised food line.
The 48 gals assembled behind their machines and had 3 hours of sewing up a storm pinching each others scrap fabric and listening to stories...There were great prizes and some penalties given out by the crowd control folks...punctuated by a loudly blown horn....
The bag lady got stuck into the red wine and was very happy by the end of the night despite being electrocuted by the broken cord of an ancient sewing machine owned by a participant.
What a way to finish a 12 hour day of Teaching... the said baglady was seen heading for the local coffee shop for a draft of double shot latte and a little peace and quiet before falling into bed...

"Not one shred of evidence supports the notion that life is serious."