I have been sitting at the computer for hours, Mozart’s concertos resonating in my head to focus my mind on writing and now in the wee hours I have finished and sent the manuscript back to my very efficient editor.
It has been worth staying the extra day in Minneapolis to complete the work. Now I can concentrate on conversation with my friends. (For a short time anyway)
I was in a world of my own... all I could hear was my music and think my own thoughts... As I was jumping round the room in my exuberance at finishing, I asked Keith if he was annoyed at my fast and furious typing. He said all he could hear were my bracelets jingling at high speed. How cheeky. But now I listen, they are noisy and would drive me crazy if it was someone else jingling for hours. Guess I need a bracelet noise stifler, any suggestions?
Still on Adelaide time, our bodies don't want to sleep even though it is 1.00 am, but I'm know that we'll be fine in the next few days. "I don't do jetlag" I tell myself. However, I admit to suffering when I get home.
I bought Keith into the world of technology today; I introduced him to all the electrical shops in the Mall of America. "Try the massage chair Keith, everyone else is" as we look round several men and women are sitting in the demonstration chairs looking blankly in the air as the mechanical massager does is work. "Not me, everyone will look at me" for Pete’s sake!!!!! He stepped out of the shop and went and sat on the chair outside the shop as I tried out their wares... when you walk miles, a good massage on your calves does wonders. It's so nice of the shops to provide free massages. Even at the market in Adelaide you have to pay $2.00 I reckon it’s a bargain. So we found 4 electrical shops and I had 4 massages and Keith sat on 4 seats. Now I dragged him into the electronic age by giving him a new PDA before we came, I have him putting in all his expenses, it's just heaven for an Accountant, and I think I hit the right spot.
And believe it or not he even bought a new Ipod this evening, how exciting.
Tomorrow I begin a new venture, the purchase of a professional video camera for documentary filming. Son Jamie who is one of the best cameramen in Australia
(I'm his mother so I can say that) are on a new venture... it's pretty darn exciting, I might even have to take more gingko to get more out of the day.
It snowed again today; we walked the 1/4 mile to the Mall. I was so surprised when I got there my ears almost froze, I forgot about those sticking out parts that don't warm themselves. I walked back with a hat on I can tell you. I've never seen an earless quilter.