9.45 pm and the temperature is still in the high 20's. Our bags are packed and sit like guards in the shed with their little blue security tags holding the zips. Yes.... all the bags match. I just can't cope with mismatched luggage. I have to say it's taken two years to be able to afford all the matching bits....my philosophy is that if you're going to do something.... do it well and with flare. Hence the nice luggage, I live out of it most of the year anyway.
Since my last post, it's been rather busy. Mum and Dad had their 60th Wedding Anniversary. Ours was on the same day, but 39 years.......!!!! It was a grand affair with family and old friends attending. I took lots of photos as mementos and made a presentation of old photos accompanied by an old record made by my Uncle when he was in the El-tones. They were rather famous in their time and were on the radio frequently. In fact we had to play it through twice, and each time it was received with sighs, smiles and warm recognition.
Mum received all the photos today and was thrilled. She tells me she spent the entire day reading my journal which ran to some 187 pages last year..... She loved the letters from friends and the things I don't talk about at home!!!!!
Friend Gay Jenkins from Britain arrived for a few days... Gay organized my tour to England last year and did a super job... so when you read about all the adventures I was having, the destinations were partly due to Gay and her organizing skills. We visited the Art Gallery and had a dinner party on Tuesday... Gay is what we call a 'foody', so on wed after visiting the Patchwork Apple in Woodside and flapping the plastic in a couple of the antique stores we made our way to Hahndorf for sauerkraut and sausage....minding not to overindulge as I wanted to show off my favorite restaurant 'Star of Siam' for dinner. Next day was a gastronomic delight as we sat on the balcony of the Bridgewater Mill and sampled the most heavenly food. (I made a quilt for Chef Le when his wife had a baby so we got special treatment)
During Gays visit I received my copy of the Quilters Companion DVD. I was really nervous to watch it. I actually made the quilt and filmed the segment all in 5 days.... that's what you call pressure.... I really enjoyed it, but can see a few things I would change....camera angles, lighting and editing, however, for a first effort I'm happy and I've certainly had lots of interesting feedback. One thing that is a bit difficult though, I have changed my business name since then to Pam Holland Designs and the web page is now www.pamhollanddesigns.com instead of Shed Designs so some folk are contacting me by phone rather than the web page.
So here we are.... ready to leave on another adventure again. It's minus 7 in Minnesota and I've packed the long johns. However, as most of the time will be spent in the Bahamas, we also have a case of summer clothes. Teaching on a cruise ship will be an experience so stay tuned.
I'm about to purchase a Sony Digicam which will allow me to take professional video for future use in DVD's put together by son Jamie. So instead of words you will soon see pictures... it's quite exciting really.
I've also packed a manuscript to work on. A large wool quilt project. I managed to finish 3 quilts (small) and work on a joint project for a day.... so now with the dogs washed and shiny. The washing up to date and the fridge emptied I reckon we can leave.
'Well behaved women never make history'