It’s not the only thing that has changed in the past few weeks. My friend Della lost her fight for life and it’s been rather difficult to write.
Sometimes in our lives we are privileged to meet extraordinary people. Della Moon is one such person. Della and I met when we both were going through difficult times…. However, in the past few years we had some great times together….
We drove through tall green Indiana cornfields in the evening as millions of fireflies danced on the surface of the leaves.
We laughed till our sides hurt when we changed into our ‘classy clothes’ in the backseat of Della’s car for my presentation at Paducah… Della didn’t care she changed in the front and emerged a butterfly.

We sat on the swing seat by the lake and watched the magic of fireworks for July the 4th.
We visited museums, galleries and ate pecan ice-cream as a matter of course.
Dear Della those memories are very precious.
For the past 6 weeks, weekends have been a collection of classes, sometimes traveling, and sometimes in Adelaide where I can sleep in my own bed.
This week was taken up with travel preparations for flights in the future… NZ, Queensland, Sydney, US, in the next few weeks, South Africa and the USA ….in July, August. You just can’t make a mistake… it ends up darn expensive.
I’m leaving for a conference in NZ on Thursday… I can only take 20 kg of luggage so the reality of packing 10 kg clothes and 10 kg of quilt supplies instead of the usual 60 I take to the USA is a logistical nightmare. It cost me $400 excess last year to go to NZ… so I’m not going to get caught this time….
I spent the day in town on Tuesday, visiting Qantas, looking for new hand luggage to accommodate the cinecamera …. I also need new pyjamas. The only ones I could find were some that looked like an advert for my grandsons TV programs or granny gowns. Ugg. So the t-shirt and comfy bottoms will last a little longer… they’re not threadbare yet.
"Birth, life, and death -- each took place on the hidden side of a leaf."