Registration for market began this morning…. The lines of quilters meandered through the convention centre. There was an air of excitement in the air. Everyone studying their program. Today began with School house, a venue where you can go from room to room learning the latest idea and techniques.
How about a calculator for quilters to work out how much fabric you need for a specific project… or if you have a certain amount of fabric, it will tell you what you can make out of it!!!! Amazing.
Now there was a little confusion at first… throughout the venue there were numerous signs like the one I was studying above.
That special convention began tonight just as we were lining up for sample spree… There were over a 1000 ladies waiting for up to 2 hours to get in…. walking in the opposite direction were the delegates of the other convention…. Folks you could sure tell they weren’t quilters… I’ve never seen a dedicated quilter wearing high heels, fish net stockings and their garments slashed to the waist. We could have done some fancy sewing on those dresses I’m sure.
OK, so I had to investigate for myself… I followed the crowd of interesting people down into the basement…..but I was told by the gal on the door in her minimalist black satin outfit, that I had to pay $20 admission…. I asked for a pamphlet… but she stated they didn’t have any…
It looked interesting as I peeked in the door. The first stall had fantasy products…..I wonder what it’s all about.?
Class begins early tomorrow… it’s almost 1.00 am and time to retire.
I will be walking the floor for the next few days looking for interesting things to share with you...