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The Mickey Mouse Club.

Did you watch the Mousketeers on the Micky Mouse Club when you were a child? I secretly admired those kids who wore trendy full skirts, t shirts with their names on the front and a cute Mickey Mouse hat that seemed glued to their heads as they sang and danced their way animatedly across the stage.
Led by Jimmy Dodd with his big smile and smart quips, the group held my attention every evening as we sat around on the floor just feet from the black and white TV. I mean, Annette Funichello had it all in my mind.
Childhood is filled with fun and imagination and I sure had my share. In a way our lives were simpler then.
I think all of us in the 50’s who watched the show, secretly wanted to visit Disneyland and be part of the club. So it was with great delight that I visited Disneyland on my own for the first time some 8 years ago during one of my trips…
I think I’ve been almost every year since then.
I accompanied a group of ladies, Lola being in her 60’s then and wasn’t too happy to be visiting…. Guess who screamed the loudest and commented “Oh thanks for putting this on the itinerary….” One funny incident on that trip. Lola went to a drink vendor and asked for a bitter lemon drink…. Only to be handed a slice of lemon!!!!
Keith loves Disneyland too, Jinda came with us when he was 15 and now Kodi at 2 ½ . “He won’t remember anything” has been the comment from friends… well we live for the moment. His eyes lit with delight as he recounted the day last night. He’s decided that it’s too dangerous to go on the “mole and ratty” ride again. He quite liked being eaten by Moby dicks whale though…..
Today I’ll take some footage of his adventure and I’ll make it into a DVD for him to remember for ever and ever.