My press release states “ Hundreds of exhibitors offer their latest products to quilt shop retailers from around the world. Experts teach “how to use” classes and new merchandising techniques to make shops more profitable. Also a full slate of classes, lectures, and special events. Finally there are more than 1600 quilts, dolls and garments on display.” I think that just about says it all.
Today we wandered the aisles photographing interesting things.
Clover has a wonderful new tool for making small and large yo’ yo’s.
EQ6 is about to be launched. I’m told it even re-sizes fabric which will be a great help for those who use the program. I’ll be one of their first clients.!!!
Piece Of cake designs have some great new patterns. Becky Goldsmith is coming to Australia soon too.!! The girls have designed some wonderful children's quilts...
Kaye England has wonderful new fabrics, she will also be in Australia in the next couple of weeks.
Moda, makes my heart beat faster as well. They have super new ranges. I love the American Jane fabrics.
Breckling Press 
will soon have this great book!!!!!
It has caused a lot of interest here at market. So i have a few TV and magazine interviews to follow up. I’m rather chuffed really.
Well its 1.00 am and I have a day of filming tomorrow.... enjoy the show.