Well will life ever return to normal? Each year I make a promise.... "Next year, we will have a quieter Christmas"... however, it always develops into a major event... I tell you I could get a job at one of those large events with all the experience I've had over the years.
For my friends overseas, our Christmas is usually hot and held outside. The gazebo was ready, with fancy cushions on the seats. The porch seat was inviting, Keith scrubbed the BBQ and all was ready.... it rained.!!!!
Now I had set the table inside too. Pink roses set the scene for the Christmas table. The theme was Toile this year... pink of course. However, I just set the table... I wasn't actually planning on using it!!!...really!!! The troops spill red wine and gravy and stuff. Ha, Oh well, the best laid plans. We used the table inside and shifted furniture, the boys hoisted in another table and we all sat down to a huge meal.
Now Dear Daughter Callie decided to make seafood paella for an entree. I kept out of the kitchen, and the paella was a hit. However, I collapsed in a heap when I went into the kitchen and saw the mess... It took half an hour to clean before I could find the bench to serve the meal on.... honey, I love you and cook supremo you are, but I need to give you a few more housekeeping lessons.
The weather cleared and the afternoon and evening was spent outside. 35 people, five dogs, a noisy motor bike Christmas present, too much food, very loud music and a little overindulgence by some of the family and the day finally came to an end...
The dishwasher ran overtime and we spent the next day in sheer exhaustion...
Now back to the shed. Yesterday 3 gals arrived to take a casual class. In fact they worked on a new class I have delveloped. I was rapt at what they achieved. So were their disbelieving husbands when they arrived for BBQ dinner. The temperature was in the high 30's (100's) and it was a hot day... around 7.00pm the wind blew a gale and dust settled on everything...
Just as we were about the eat... it rained. So the set table got used again...
That's it, I've cleared the table, even the flowers went and you guessed it the weather has been great today, but then again, the company has gone too.
Work wise I completed my yearly printed diary. It ran to 187 pages, either I did a lot this year or I have improved my typing skills. I have to update the web page and finish 4 projects on the go. Tomorrow is shopping and planning and the weather will be super.
And the Grinch, with his Grinch-feet ice cold in the snow,
stood puzzling and puzzling, how could it be so?
It came without ribbons. It came without tags.
It came without packages, boxes or bags.
And he puzzled and puzzled 'till his puzzler was sore.
Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before.
What if Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store.
What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more.
~ Dr. Seuss
I'm a quilter and I travel the world sharing my love of quilting with friends and students. I find myself in some interesting places and situations - but I wouldn't have it any other way!!!! http://www.pamhollanddesigns.com/
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This weather is just crazy... 3 days ago I had gals in my shed working on projects and we had the heater on.... Today it's the aircon and the temp rose to 39 deg.... I wasn't too fussed because I had the rest of the Christmas shopping to do, but I must admit I enjoyed the experience of people watching more than the shopping. I just wish I could whip the camera out and snap the images I fleetingly see as I walk around.
There was an elderly man, probably waiting for his wife.... he was sitting with his hand holding his cheek and he was fast asleep oblivious to the hustle and bustle going on around him... I wonder if I will fall asleep so easily when I'm old?
There were 6 little girls of Asian origin playing Christmas carols on the violin.... Quite badly really, but they were so cute.
I think red shoes are are definitely a fashion statement... I saw lots walking by today. Even chartreuse ones!!!!! Those of you who know me well, know I have a passion for bright coloured shoes....
I was in a lift with 2 of the most elegant African women and their children... I just enjoyed the experience and the little boy about 3, brushed my hand as they left... so his sister ran back to do the same before the door shut.... that brings a smile to the face.!!!! I remember, when our son Benny came from Mauritius aged 8...he only spoke French, held your face in both hands and kissed you on each cheek and said "Ooh La la"... Now at 28, he says, G'day Mum... got anything to eat...?
The drivers were pre-occupied on the road today too, in the past two days I've had to avoid 4 drivers changing lanes without signals...
So home I came to the shed which has had a little re-vampover the past few weeks.... I discarded some 5 large garbage bags of fabrics and projects...they will be used by the SA quilt guild Charity Group...I installed new drawers where I can see clearly see the fabric ... and yes, I know every piece of fabric I possess... even in each of the 75 drawers.
My doves have given me a lot of joy since I've been home... they live just outside the shed and spend the mornings and early evenings peeking in at me.... one game girl came and visited the other day, but I didn't think I should encourage her....
I wanted to thank you for the great emails in acknowledgement to my Christmas letter... I count you all as friends....
The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.
There was an elderly man, probably waiting for his wife.... he was sitting with his hand holding his cheek and he was fast asleep oblivious to the hustle and bustle going on around him... I wonder if I will fall asleep so easily when I'm old?
There were 6 little girls of Asian origin playing Christmas carols on the violin.... Quite badly really, but they were so cute.
I think red shoes are are definitely a fashion statement... I saw lots walking by today. Even chartreuse ones!!!!! Those of you who know me well, know I have a passion for bright coloured shoes....
I was in a lift with 2 of the most elegant African women and their children... I just enjoyed the experience and the little boy about 3, brushed my hand as they left... so his sister ran back to do the same before the door shut.... that brings a smile to the face.!!!! I remember, when our son Benny came from Mauritius aged 8...he only spoke French, held your face in both hands and kissed you on each cheek and said "Ooh La la"... Now at 28, he says, G'day Mum... got anything to eat...?
The drivers were pre-occupied on the road today too, in the past two days I've had to avoid 4 drivers changing lanes without signals...
So home I came to the shed which has had a little re-vampover the past few weeks.... I discarded some 5 large garbage bags of fabrics and projects...they will be used by the SA quilt guild Charity Group...I installed new drawers where I can see clearly see the fabric ... and yes, I know every piece of fabric I possess... even in each of the 75 drawers.
My doves have given me a lot of joy since I've been home... they live just outside the shed and spend the mornings and early evenings peeking in at me.... one game girl came and visited the other day, but I didn't think I should encourage her....
I wanted to thank you for the great emails in acknowledgement to my Christmas letter... I count you all as friends....
The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.
Christmas from the Holland Household

But aren’t we lucky in this country. Safety, freedom and no one will really starve.
This year has gone just so fast. January in New Zealand and Tasmania was the beginning of some 50 flights and very little time home with the family.… I made my debut into the talking media and I finished my book and it is now in publication…. One of the kids said…. “What book? Did you write a book…. What on earth about? A quilt, how could you write a whole book on a quilt?!!!!!!!” I’m finally able to relax after a rather hectic tour of Britain and France… I drove some 2800 miles, taught and lectured and sometimes cried……!!!!
The family has been bricks looking after Keith. Callie and Rach and their Dad had dalliances at the movies on a Tuesday evenings, Josh made sure he didn’t starve and Benny helped with the garden… Matty kept him in line at work and Jamie, Susie and Jinda kept him busy with their finances….We talked each day on the net and often on the

Mr. Kodi is the light of our lives…. I miss him so much when I’m away. The other grandies understand but there’s always a warm welcome from Kodi when I return.
For those of you who saw Matty’s court case in the Media…. We share your shock. We find it hard to understand that someone can take the life of another and injure others physically and emotionally and not accept blame or even be found guilty.
Family wise everyone is getting on with their lives…. Jinda moved out of home in January and has found being on ones own is a little more difficult than he imagined… He has almost completed his apprenticeship and will get there in the end….
My Mum and Dad have had a year of bad health which has been a worry to us all, but Mum celebrated her 80th and the 60th wedding anniversary is looming…. Matty and Keith have been real busy, but almost floated away in a flash flood through Aldgate… what a day… I flew in to arrive at the court just to hear the verdict…. Home with jetlag and then up till 1 am baling water and packing sandbags… Oh well no one can say life isn’t interesting…..!!!
What of 2006? I imagine you are all planning exciting things… well this family is no exception, it’s just that we have more to share… Rachael and Henry are expecting a baby in May… we find out on Thursday, just what it is…. I remember when I was having Rachael… I asked Jamie whether he would like a brother or sister…. “Oh a little black dog would be nice”!!!!! Joshy is working at three jobs and is rather keen on the one where he chefs for top line performers….. Keith and I draw a blank when we hear the names, but there you are… we’re ‘old. Jamie keeps busy with his production Company…. Xstream Productions.
Benny is sort of the boss of his team at work as a landscape gardener…. And has just gained his second Dan at Karate. This Mum is real proud of him and he has a great following from his students too…. Susie is busy in the restaurant and being the Mum of a teenager Chianne and a ‘soon to be one’ Jordan….. Eek I don’t want to go back to those days’ thanks. Callie plans a new venture into catering and Kodi just hangs around being gorgeous.
Keith and I are off on 17th Jan to LA, NY, MN and then Miami where we join a ship for a 7 day cruise to the Bahamas... then back to MN, NY, London and Bangkok…. I’m teaching on the ship…. Keith will just mingle and chat.
Keith has a few trips planned interstate to see ‘clients’ and it just happens to be when the footy is on………!!!! I have a busy time until August with several trips back to the USA for teaching and the launching of my book…. I have been researching a project for the past year…. It's exciting, and I'm well under way in one form or another... But first I'm working on a project with friends that is very different....It will be a quite a surprise I think.... but very Australian...!!!!
So folks we’re not letting the grass grow under our feet in our part of the world….
We wish you all a safe and wonderful Christmas and New Year.
I started to write a fancy email and newsletter and this was the best I could do….
We’re on the web….
Back on Track
It's been a week or so and I'm finally back on track. The few days in Tasmania visiting friends was super and an enforced rest... But home again, I plunged into daily tasks and finally hit the wall yesterday, I could barely get off the settee and succumbed finally to a migraine.
It's nice being able to do the mundane... Washing, cleaning my car, bathing the dog and a little cooking....(not too much mind you.) I was congratulating myself on no time schedule... and you guessed it, a gift of work came in today that needs to be completed by next Friday, so it's all go again.... In relaxing a little I watched Martha Stewart make scented rice bags for fabric stashes on the "How to" Channel so I whipped out an old Japanese silk Obi and gave it a try... and lo and behold a scented bag went home with delighted Daughter Rachael tonight.
I spent the day listening to classical music that I purchased in Covent Garden and completing a drapplique fern.... It's lovely, almost looks real.
I caught up on some more research, did a little editing and writing and folks I think I am back to normal. Well as normal as can be expected....
It's nice being able to do the mundane... Washing, cleaning my car, bathing the dog and a little cooking....(not too much mind you.) I was congratulating myself on no time schedule... and you guessed it, a gift of work came in today that needs to be completed by next Friday, so it's all go again.... In relaxing a little I watched Martha Stewart make scented rice bags for fabric stashes on the "How to" Channel so I whipped out an old Japanese silk Obi and gave it a try... and lo and behold a scented bag went home with delighted Daughter Rachael tonight.
I spent the day listening to classical music that I purchased in Covent Garden and completing a drapplique fern.... It's lovely, almost looks real.
I caught up on some more research, did a little editing and writing and folks I think I am back to normal. Well as normal as can be expected....
what can happen in 24 hours
Feeling tired and jetlagged in Hong Kong I wrote a blog that I just couldn't bring myself to put to air.... writing is a powerful therapy... however, 30 hours later I feel more able to express myself. Many of you know me personally, and would therefore be aware that our Son Matthew had a terrible accident two years ago. His partner Karen was killed. They happened to be in the way of a car that was out of control and sadly it has taken two years for the perpetrator to be taken to trial.
I arrived home on the final day of the trial and went straight from the airport to the court. I was able to witness the Judges final summation to the Jury. Then later in the afternoon hear the Jury find the woman not guilty on all 4 counts. It was ironical that I had just returned from overseas, my head felt like cotton wool, my judgment was severely impeded... I would never drive a car in that situation.....Ironically the woman who caused the accident had just arrived home from overseas; she had not slept for 30 hours. She chose to get into a car and drive...she chose to drive in that situation. Ultimately the decision was that she fell asleep at the wheel and ended up on the wrong side of the road and took the life of Karen and the heart of my son.... the law states that because she was asleep, she is not legally responsible... and is not guilty. Our lives have changed forever. Karen died. Matt lost the use of his right arm and suffered terrible injuries.... but no one is responsible... !!!!!! Our laws need to be revised.....We faced the barrage of cameras, questions and press as we came out of the court... but made no comment....Just 5 hours later we were to be on TV again... this time trying to secure our office in the event of a flood that rushed through the hills town of Aldgate... computers and files were shifted in haste as the river behind the office rose alarmingly, in fact to 1" below the window.... the water seeped into the rear of the office and then through the front door where a rushing river raced down the main street...2.00 am we finally got to sleep, office secured and the days events over... and a day to be remembered in many ways....!!!Life brings us a lot of surprises sometimes....The plane trip home was interesting also.... given my previous trip, I was given an exit row seat and no one sat next to me. "Super..” I thought... but a young man joined me after the plane took off.... I wasn't surprised because he had very long legs and it was a prime seat... but honeys did he have to take his shoes off.....!!!!! OOOOh my.Off tomorrow to Tasmania and a 5 day holiday with Keith.... Josh cooked dinner tonight.. I've visited with all of my kids and caught up with a few friends... I have no voice... due to asthma on the plane... (Maybe it was the shoeless feet) and I've had the nails done folks... all in the space of 24 hours….
I arrived home on the final day of the trial and went straight from the airport to the court. I was able to witness the Judges final summation to the Jury. Then later in the afternoon hear the Jury find the woman not guilty on all 4 counts. It was ironical that I had just returned from overseas, my head felt like cotton wool, my judgment was severely impeded... I would never drive a car in that situation.....Ironically the woman who caused the accident had just arrived home from overseas; she had not slept for 30 hours. She chose to get into a car and drive...she chose to drive in that situation. Ultimately the decision was that she fell asleep at the wheel and ended up on the wrong side of the road and took the life of Karen and the heart of my son.... the law states that because she was asleep, she is not legally responsible... and is not guilty. Our lives have changed forever. Karen died. Matt lost the use of his right arm and suffered terrible injuries.... but no one is responsible... !!!!!! Our laws need to be revised.....We faced the barrage of cameras, questions and press as we came out of the court... but made no comment....Just 5 hours later we were to be on TV again... this time trying to secure our office in the event of a flood that rushed through the hills town of Aldgate... computers and files were shifted in haste as the river behind the office rose alarmingly, in fact to 1" below the window.... the water seeped into the rear of the office and then through the front door where a rushing river raced down the main street...2.00 am we finally got to sleep, office secured and the days events over... and a day to be remembered in many ways....!!!Life brings us a lot of surprises sometimes....The plane trip home was interesting also.... given my previous trip, I was given an exit row seat and no one sat next to me. "Super..” I thought... but a young man joined me after the plane took off.... I wasn't surprised because he had very long legs and it was a prime seat... but honeys did he have to take his shoes off.....!!!!! OOOOh my.Off tomorrow to Tasmania and a 5 day holiday with Keith.... Josh cooked dinner tonight.. I've visited with all of my kids and caught up with a few friends... I have no voice... due to asthma on the plane... (Maybe it was the shoeless feet) and I've had the nails done folks... all in the space of 24 hours….
Plane travel is jut one of things we Travelling Quilt Teachers need to put up with.... I've chosen to make it as pleasant as possible... upgrades where possible... Qantas club etc... but occasionally something goes a little wrong.
I booked a seat that is normally behind the business class because on BA I can't upgrade..... I had the right seat.... but the wrong plane configuration..... !!!!!
OK, not too bad it's an aisle seat.
Ha, the plane was chokkers.... every seat taken. There was a small guy sitting in the window seat and a very large lady sitting in the middle... I spent 11.5 hours leaning sideways...
I don't like rubbing thighs with and unknown lady.... her arms took over my space... I had to eat balancing my meal halfway in the aisle.. I tried to put my pillow down by the armrest so I could have some leg privacy.... that didn't work either. I tried to sleep to make the time pass quicker... but every time the gal moved so did I. I felt sorry for her, it must be very difficult and I figured that as this is my 59th flight this year... I think I've done pretty well....
It's been a busy year. I've missed too much at home this year and 2006 will be a little quieter as far as travel is concerned... 2007 even more so as I concentrate on a couple of very important projects...
I booked a seat that is normally behind the business class because on BA I can't upgrade..... I had the right seat.... but the wrong plane configuration..... !!!!!
OK, not too bad it's an aisle seat.
Ha, the plane was chokkers.... every seat taken. There was a small guy sitting in the window seat and a very large lady sitting in the middle... I spent 11.5 hours leaning sideways...
I don't like rubbing thighs with and unknown lady.... her arms took over my space... I had to eat balancing my meal halfway in the aisle.. I tried to put my pillow down by the armrest so I could have some leg privacy.... that didn't work either. I tried to sleep to make the time pass quicker... but every time the gal moved so did I. I felt sorry for her, it must be very difficult and I figured that as this is my 59th flight this year... I think I've done pretty well....
It's been a busy year. I've missed too much at home this year and 2006 will be a little quieter as far as travel is concerned... 2007 even more so as I concentrate on a couple of very important projects...
Finished in London

Well my time has finished in London… and what an experience. I’ve not mentioned that we attended the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace. Visited Westminster Abbey… partly as a tourist, but I’ve found a family connection that is quite exciting and without talking too much about my current project, visiting the Abbey was part of my research….We spent a morning lounging in leather settees reading books in London

A visit to Reading Museum to view the breathtaking English version of the Bayeux Tapestry and yet another family connection…!!!! it’s all a bit spooky really…. I have enough research material to last me a lifetime… wonderful images to enthuse my creativity… 100’s of pictures of walls, tiles, sky, trees, all inspiration for a fabric line… now I ju

It’s been made even better by sharing with friend Di Mill a seasoned and fun loving traveling companion…
I’ve met and stayed with extraordinary folk…. and learnt an enormous amount. Now to have the hair trimmed, final pack and off to Hong Kong…
It's a good day

St Pauls Cathedral was built in 1675 by Sir Christopher Wren. I learnt about this magnificent structure as a child of the 60’s. We had to draw it I remember, and describe how it was built. “What a stupid thing to get a kid to do”, I thought…. I guess the Teachers knew what they were doing… they sure fired my imagination. As a child I never entertained the thought that I would ever get to see it. The architecture and beauty of the installations are almost impossible to describe… but I can say that Di and I sat under the great dome, we laid back in our seats and gazed up until our necks ached. Then climbed as high as we dare, up 370 steps to view the mosaics and paintings at closer quarters. There was a wonderful smell of roses and incense. 3 ladies were installing huge vases of flowers for the memorial service to the victims of the recent bombing in London to be held the following day. Lord Nelson is buried in the crypt…I touched the cold marble surface of the cask, my small connection to history.
Lunch in an Italian restaurant over the road then a short bus trip to the

Now a few evenings before Di and I found an amazing restaurant, Sarastro….As Di was reading some info on London… up came the restaurant, and within a few minutes we had made a booking.
After the piety of evensong we changed to the flamboyance to the restaurant. We were soon joined by Cathy Miller (singing Quilter) and Husband John who are also touring Britain. First it was great to catch-up on the news of the past year… We meet in the most interesting places around the world, Houston, Fargo ND, Arizona, etc, etc. The restaurant is rather famous for its unusual décor…. I’ll not discuss the illustrations in the ladies loo !!!!, but the furnishings in the building alone just make you smile. We were entertained by a four piece chamber suite… and then a little opera… finished with a Romanian troup playing Mexican style music….. The Japanese pianist for the opera singers almost flew off the seat in her passion for her music… and she received a dramatic kiss on the hand from the man in the booth next to us!!!!!! The food was super, the entertainment wonderful and the company unsurpassed… what a great day.
This is the day of my departure from London and I finally have time to go through the events of the past few days…
Why do I write a blog.? It’s mainly for family and friends… who have a choice as to whether they read it or not. On the other hand it is also my year book. For the past 4 years I have diarized a book on the years events… it includes photos, letters from friends, patterns, musings and illustrations… and it’s great to go back and read it….. I print off a few and give one to Mum and Dad and close friends…. However, this years is rather large… over 120 pages so far….
I’ve been writing a diary for many years now, there are so many ideas in my head that I need to get them down on paper…. Of course there is more in my heart and on paper than I actually write publicly…. But this is a small part of my life that I share….
Pearl S. Buck:
“I don't wait for moods. You accomplish nothing if you do that. Your mind must know it has got to get down to work”
Why do I write a blog.? It’s mainly for family and friends… who have a choice as to whether they read it or not. On the other hand it is also my year book. For the past 4 years I have diarized a book on the years events… it includes photos, letters from friends, patterns, musings and illustrations… and it’s great to go back and read it….. I print off a few and give one to Mum and Dad and close friends…. However, this years is rather large… over 120 pages so far….
I’ve been writing a diary for many years now, there are so many ideas in my head that I need to get them down on paper…. Of course there is more in my heart and on paper than I actually write publicly…. But this is a small part of my life that I share….
Pearl S. Buck:
“I don't wait for moods. You accomplish nothing if you do that. Your mind must know it has got to get down to work”
London Transport

I woke this morning dreaming of a hedgehog with red rubber boots holding a yellow umbrella. I do think it was the influence of going to a talk by Janet Bolton last night. Just getting there was an adventure in itself. We had a bus ride through busy 5.00 traffic and then a train ride. In fact we got off the bus at the end and walked the rest of the way because the traffic was so bad….We almost ended up on the wrong train but a young man put us on the right track…(so to speak). He watched us run, bags flying and coats dragging as we wound our way through the throng… then gave us the thumbs up as we turned in the correct direction…. “Which carriage”? for petes sake… they were falling out of the doors… finally we squeezed on, hanging on for dear life to the handles of the seats….. but talk about sardines…. Not for me, I can’t ever imagine doing that every day. It was a strange situation… the train is very quiet. People watcher, I observed that everyone wore black, grey or tan… the train is quiet enough to hear the buzz of ipods and the occasional mobile phone conversation… “Hi, just waiting to see if you are still on for tonight? Oh great, see you then. giggle” I was the only middle age gal with no ipod and a red suit on….!!!! Glad I’m different….It was pitch dark when we arrived at Beckingham but we found our way to the Methodist Church Hall and as we were early we located an Italian Restaurant to have a coffee and bowl of soup. Janet spoke with the quiet dignity of an English Lady…. She has a shock of very curly grey hair that cascades over her face… no she doesn’t look like an ipod train gal…. We journeyed through her life story of creativity and saw slides of how her work evolved…. It was a super, but a rather quiet and sober evening after the night before. There was a supper of coffee and a dozen or more cakes to choose from....
Our trip home was chilly and a little scary… I sure wouldn’t have done it alone….we were freezing when we arrived back at the hotel… but full of self admiration at being so brave on the London Trains…. !!!!
The V&A

A Journey through history at the Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington. The V&A is the worlds greatest museum of art and design, with collections unrivalled in their scope and diversity.
We wandered through layers of time. I will return home with the information I need for several current projects and of course yet more ideas. Sensory overload, - time for lunch just down the road and I wanted to introduce Di to the ambience of a coffee shop I had visited on a prior trip. Patisserie Valerie The original cafe first opened its doors in 1926, in nearby Firth Street, when a Belgian born Madam Valerie decided to introduce a taste of the continent to the English. When the Luftwaffe bombed Patisserie Valer

On to Harrods and we jostled through the crowds… rode the escalators and walked through the amazing display of Christmas decorations…opulence on a grand scale, but beautiful to the eyes….A final visit to the

We were privy to very loud discussion by a group of young men who got louder and louder as they forced their opinions on the entire bus…. As the discussion turned rather serious… I made the comment that “I hope they don’t have guns”….!!!!! One never knows.
Dinner at a local restaurant and the end to a wonderful and less energetic day…
Notting Hill
We woke at 3.30 after I received a wrong number call from OZ. !!!! little possums don’t they know I’m half way round the world!!!!!
Our route planned on the Internet, bus timetables sorted and an early breakfast saw us brave the cool morning weather to visit the Portobello Market in Notting Hill.
It began quietly with a trickle of interested patrons and tourists and as the morning progressed it built to a full size river. I’ve never even seen so many people even in a football crowd,
Did you know Portobello Market has been immortalized by the fact that Paddington Bear used to hang out there in Mr. Grobers Antique shop.
It’s a long, narrow winding road. The store owners are professional, slick and at times disinterested… no wonder when literally 1000’s of people visit their stores. You enter one door and pass through cave like passages, then come out an hour later having wound your way past dozens of booths specializing in all manner of wonderful treasures. Aromas of onions, sausages, coffee and fruit tantalize the senses…buskers play for their supper and the atmosphere is wonderful.
We were like little pigs in straw… just looking at each other and laughing at our good fortune as we found yet another wonderful booth of old china or fabric.
We stopped for a coffee and then came upon a line up of folk purchasing cooked prawns… they looked delicious and folk were devouring them with gusto propped against empty stalls. “are they prawns” I asked the vendor.
“Yes love, King Prawns
So we ordered a share between us and one bite told us a different story…that plastic seafood stuff… shaped like a prawn… how darn cheeky…. They ended up in the bin….and a waste of 3 pound…..
Hours passed, we missed Hugh Grant and Julie Roberts in the crowd so a quick look at our map showed us that we should visit Kensington Palace….
I begged Di not to embarrass me in case emotion overcame her on the approach to Lady Di’s residence… fortunately she was strong…we differ in our views of the Royal family… Afternoon tea of scones and clotted cream in the Orangery ...Designed by Sir John Vanburgh for Queen Anne in 1704. It’s a magnificent building with Corinthian columns, and Grindling Gibbon's woodcarvings as its most distinctive features. We just played ladies and I was equally taken by the design on the Menu cover.
We walked and walked, past the Albert Memorial and the magnificent Albert Hall through Hyde Park and into the city. We had an appointment with Gay who kindly delivered my coat left in the wardrobe… a short bus trip where the doors shut on me as I went to alight and Di banged on the door and the driver let me out as he took off.….next we had to catch the underground. I was jostled by a thug, who pushed me as I was going down the stairs so I kicked him in the shin… he had an unpleasant look on his face as he went on his way…. (don’t mess with an Aussie in red shoes friend) Just three stops on the underground and on leaving the station, my ticket wouldn’t work… so Di went through first and yelled “quick Pammy…run… and I did…. Getting smacked firmly with the barriers… but I made it….!!!
Dinner at the local Italian Restaurant and funny movies on the TV finished a wonderful day. !!!!!
Goodness what will tomorrow bring. No quilting that’s for sure.

We woke at 3.30 after I received a wrong number call from OZ. !!!! little possums don’t they know I’m half way round the world!!!!!
Our route planned on the Internet, bus timetables sorted and an early breakfast saw us brave the cool morning weather to visit the Portobello Market in Notting Hill.
It began quietly with a trickle of interested patrons and tourists and as the morning progressed it built to a full size river. I’ve never even seen so many people even in a football crowd,
Did you know Portobello Market has been immortalized by the fact that Paddington Bear used to hang out there in Mr. Grobers Antique shop.
It’s a long, narrow winding road. The store owners are professional, slick and at times disinterested… no wonder when literally 1000’s of people visit their stores. You enter one door and pass through cave like passages, then come out an hour later having wound your way past dozens of booths specializing in all manner of wonderful treasures. Aromas of onions, sausages, coffee and fruit tantalize the senses…buskers play for their supper and the atmosphere is wonderful.
We were like little pigs in straw… just looking at each other and laughing at our good fortune as we found yet another wonderful booth of old china or fabric.
We stopped for a coffee and then came upon a line up of folk purchasing cooked prawns… they looked delicious and folk were devouring them with gusto propped against empty stalls. “are they prawns” I asked the vendor.

“Yes love, King Prawns
So we ordered a share between us and one bite told us a different story…that plastic seafood stuff… shaped like a prawn… how darn cheeky…. They ended up in the bin….and a waste of 3 pound…..
Hours passed, we missed Hugh Grant and Julie Roberts in the crowd so a quick look at our map showed us that we should visit Kensington Palace….
I begged Di not to embarrass me in case emotion overcame her on the approach to Lady Di’s residence… fortunately she was strong…we differ in our views of the Royal family… Afternoon tea of scones and clotted cream in the Orangery ...Designed by Sir John Vanburgh for Queen Anne in 1704. It’s a magnificent building with Corinthian columns, and Grindling Gibbon's woodcarvings as its most distinctive features. We just played ladies and I was equally taken by the design on the Menu cover.
We walked and walked, past the Albert Memorial and the magnificent Albert Hall through Hyde Park and into the city. We had an appointment with Gay who kindly delivered my coat left in the wardrobe… a short bus trip where the doors shut on me as I went to alight and Di banged on the door and the driver let me out as he took off.….next we had to catch the underground. I was jostled by a thug, who pushed me as I was going down the stairs so I kicked him in the shin… he had an unpleasant look on his face as he went on his way…. (don’t mess with an Aussie in red shoes friend) Just three stops on the underground and on leaving the station, my ticket wouldn’t work… so Di went through first and yelled “quick Pammy…run… and I did…. Getting smacked firmly with the barriers… but I made it….!!!
Dinner at the local Italian Restaurant and funny movies on the TV finished a wonderful day. !!!!!

Goodness what will tomorrow bring. No quilting that’s for sure.
A day of contrasts

No Breakfast supplied today.... I don't know, we have an unusual booking with breakfast for only two days... the rest of the time we do our own thing. So we popped into a cafe that has come straight out of the 1960's and sat with the workmen who ordered bacon sandwiches and then ate them with gusto with grimy hands. The coffee was good and the price reasonable and really more than we needed for the day.
A deli on the corner looked inviting and we entered the door to the sound of loud Arabic music which was emitting from a radio placed high on a shelf. To my amazement, Di began to join in... until I realized that it was a call to prayer. I nudged her and mentioned that I didn't really think it was a song to be hummed along to. There were all sorts of delicacies to tempt the palate. Cheeses, humus in huge containers and trays of sticky sweets. I relented and purchased 4 pieces of Turkish delight and a diet coke which will last for the week. We investigated bus time tables. Our reasoning was that we would see more on a bus than an underground train. Admittedly it would be faster on the Underground but we decided to take the scenic mode of transport and 11.00 pound found us with a weekly ticket. Now where do we go? The weather began to clear from drizzling rain to intermittent sun and we rode atop the big red bus, quite pleased with decision.

Trafalgar Square, pigeons and waterfalls, an Indian low budget movie on the steps of the National Gallery and 2 hours of viewing the Grand Masters of Art. We slipped quietly into the darkened interior of St Martins-in-the-Fields and listened quietly to the rehearsal of a Mozart Concert scheduled for this evening. A lone homeless man slept in the pew behind us while a man sat in the front row and intently followed the music with invisible baton in hand.
The Crypt below the Church houses a restaurant, brass rubbing workshop and store where choir music continues the feeling of harmony.
Covent Garden and time for afternoon tea accompanied by a violin recital by 4 amazing artists...(We actually forgot to have lunch)!!!
Back to the hotel aboard the No 98 bus and an Indian takeaway on the corner supplied our dinner in front of the TV.
It's been an interesting day; we solved the problems of the world over a coke and a coffee this evening and mused at our luck. As friends even insignificant experiences have merit and value. That’s the way it should be.
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