Plane travel is jut one of things we Travelling Quilt Teachers need to put up with.... I've chosen to make it as pleasant as possible... upgrades where possible... Qantas club etc... but occasionally something goes a little wrong.
I booked a seat that is normally behind the business class because on BA I can't upgrade..... I had the right seat.... but the wrong plane configuration..... !!!!!
OK, not too bad it's an aisle seat.
Ha, the plane was chokkers.... every seat taken. There was a small guy sitting in the window seat and a very large lady sitting in the middle... I spent 11.5 hours leaning sideways...
I don't like rubbing thighs with and unknown lady.... her arms took over my space... I had to eat balancing my meal halfway in the aisle.. I tried to put my pillow down by the armrest so I could have some leg privacy.... that didn't work either. I tried to sleep to make the time pass quicker... but every time the gal moved so did I. I felt sorry for her, it must be very difficult and I figured that as this is my 59th flight this year... I think I've done pretty well....
It's been a busy year. I've missed too much at home this year and 2006 will be a little quieter as far as travel is concerned... 2007 even more so as I concentrate on a couple of very important projects...