Well my time has finished in London… and what an experience. I’ve not mentioned that we attended the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace. Visited Westminster Abbey… partly as a tourist, but I’ve found a family connection that is quite exciting and without talking too much about my current project, visiting the Abbey was part of my research….We spent a morning lounging in leather settees reading books in London

A visit to Reading Museum to view the breathtaking English version of the Bayeux Tapestry and yet another family connection…!!!! it’s all a bit spooky really…. I have enough research material to last me a lifetime… wonderful images to enthuse my creativity… 100’s of pictures of walls, tiles, sky, trees, all inspiration for a fabric line… now I ju

It’s been made even better by sharing with friend Di Mill a seasoned and fun loving traveling companion…
I’ve met and stayed with extraordinary folk…. and learnt an enormous amount. Now to have the hair trimmed, final pack and off to Hong Kong…