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Journey through Britain.

Chester was my first stop. First settled by the Romans who established a camp in AD 79 to defend the fertile land near the River Dee, the main streets of Chester are now lined with timber buildings, know as the Chester Rows.
However, I was here to teach and sightseeing is secondary. I was to be the guest speaker at Region 13 of the British Quilt Guild. Approximately 250 women shared the day. I felt right at home amongst the booths selling familiar fabric, bookcases full of books, women laughing and chatting and the rattle of tea cups. The subject of my talk was “The diary of a traveling Quilt Teacher”….. there is so much to fit in a lecture and I could always do with more time… but really it’s just like having a chat and a cuppa with friends. The afternoon speaker was Dilys Fronks, a local teacher from Wales I believe, she was an amusing and enthusiastic speaker as she took us on her journey of quilting discovery. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing her beautiful quilts and listening to her stories…
Judy, my hostess and I had an opportunity to take off in the evening and as it doesn’t get dark until 7.00 we had two wonderful hours wandering around the town of Chester. It’s like walking through history. As an Australian in a very late settled country, I’m fascinated that these building still exist, some 700 years old. What stories they could tell, As we walked through the “Rows” Judy and I imagined the stall holders and
their patrons in those bygone days.
Class the next day was fun. As usual, the class is full of apprehension at learning a new technique. But they all mastered the art and went home enthusiastic. The day is always too short. But after fond farewells I was able to visit the local Starbuck Coffee House and get on to Wi Fi to send and receive email and photos from my own computer…
We ordered in Indian… and were presented with a feast that would have done four people rather than just two… but we chatted and ate with the ease of folks that have a lot in common.
Next it was off to Oxford…Whitney to be exact. I stayed with Sadie and Ernie and we had a wonderful time. Sadie and I walked Oxford yesterday, it was a perfect day, warm, sunny and we just had shirt sleeves. I found a lot of inspiration in the architecture and texture of the buildings. Sadie and I like the same things, it was a great experience. This morning I was introduced the resident garden Hedgehog and I’m really taken with Sadie’s sun room…
How can one describe Oxford, or even all that I have experienced… all I can say is "What an experience."
Last night about 60 gals met for a chat and presentation… I think it is more formally known as a lecture.. as usual I ran out of time. I’m amongst like minded folk, what more can I ask.!!!!!!