Once again I'm sitting in Starbucks... I think I'm becoming one of weirdos who frequent shopping centers...
When I wrote yesterday I was on the way to Hastings... well it was a rushed trip but significant... 14th of October, the Battle of Hastings began and I was there some 939 years later. I'm certain it doesn't have any resemblance to the time the battle began. However, as I have been studying the history for some time now it was a significant occasion and such a fluke that I could be there on that day..
This is my sixteenth day on the road, and I must say it sure takes some energy...I've met the most wonderful people and I'm sure our friendships will be long lasting. You just get to one place then just when you settle in you have to shift, and you just long to stay in the same place for the rest of the time. 8 different beds so far and a few more to go...The washing needs doing now, I am almost out of toothpaste and a few other essentials. I am comfortable driving, but I wish everyone else would slow down a little...
I've packed and unpacked my computer, work bag and case a 100 times it seems, everything has it's place.. but it's surprising how things shift into unusual places.
I've talked to 100's of new folk, and showed the quilts and shared my knowledge.
Business still needs to be done, and some of it is urgent. There are invisible lines to home and Keith is fielding questions from me and from students and taking bookings...
I have updates from Students and my Bambinos each day, but it's been difficult to get on line. I've had three emails with bad news and that is always magnified when you are away the comfort of your own home.
Well, it's time for the shop to shut. So I set the GPS for my current abode and I think an early night is in order...