There is a dramatic event being played out on the TV. I never watch it, it just talks to itself. The heater is on.... The hour is late but I thought I should write the blog.
I arrived home yesterday after 5 days in Brisbane assisting friend Di Mill with her open day.
Di put on a spectacular show for her clients... I think some 80 people in all. Most of whom were shop owners or assistants.
Di and I both attended Quilt Market in Minneapolis and our careers in the Media took a firm step. We did interviews with fabric companies and designers... and then showed it at the Open Day. It was my first attempt at editing and I must say we were quite pleased with the results....Well,the comments were favorable but maybe they were just being polite.
There is a huge amount of work in putting on an event such as this... We haunted furniture shops for just the right table setting and vintage china to set the scene. Next we purchased furniture for the children's corner....Chairs, a table, cot etc.
Di had a huge list to do when I arrived. Make cushions, Quilts, put buttons on dooner covers, make a sample quilt to demo, purchase flowers and drapplique a few quilts....
I don't know how we did it all in the small space of time... I do admit to being rather pooped one evening. But it went off well.
I even had to steal a tassel from her table runner to finish off a vintage cushion....!!! It matched perfectly.
I don't think I can mention that we bejewelled one of the reps red undies.... Well, it wasn't sordid or anything, but we had a makeshift clothesline with vintage hankies hanging on it... when we arrived it seems Tim had hung his red undies up there so serves him right if he ends up with a bejewelled "T" on his derie eire...
I've spent the entire day in the shed... 18 hours exactly, so it's time for bed and a welcome cup of coffee.
I've been working hard on my new web page, I think it will work a lot better than the old one... I have fallen in love with my Mac. (computer that is, not another man)
I'm a quilter and I travel the world sharing my love of quilting with friends and students. I find myself in some interesting places and situations - but I wouldn't have it any other way!!!!
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Thelma and Louise
My Buddy Lisa sent me the picture and sentiments below.... but her card reminded me of our Thelma and Louise Trip.
We hired silver a Pontiac Transam with wings and double exhaust pipes...
Larry insisted we pack a he laid 8 out on the bench and I picked the cutest one. Needless to say it stayed in the glove box the entire time which I never opened.
First part of the trip was to tart ourselves up... so we had our nails done and encrusted with 10 cent diamonds!!!! They were beautifully done by a little Vienamese girl who put her hands on her hip as we walked in the door and said....
"Show me your money Honey"
The car was laden with diet coke and potato chips accompanied by good ole country music on the radio.... "Where were we going".... who knew...we just went.
Down route 66, into Las Vegas, up to the Grand Canyon and Bryce Canyon in Utah.... down through native American Country. We stopped for quiltshops, Antique shops and Rodeos..... 9 days on the road and we never ran out of things to say....
Time we did it again girl.
Everyone needs a Thelma and Louise Trip sometime in their life.
We hired silver a Pontiac Transam with wings and double exhaust pipes...
Larry insisted we pack a he laid 8 out on the bench and I picked the cutest one. Needless to say it stayed in the glove box the entire time which I never opened.
First part of the trip was to tart ourselves up... so we had our nails done and encrusted with 10 cent diamonds!!!! They were beautifully done by a little Vienamese girl who put her hands on her hip as we walked in the door and said....
"Show me your money Honey"
The car was laden with diet coke and potato chips accompanied by good ole country music on the radio.... "Where were we going".... who knew...we just went.
Down route 66, into Las Vegas, up to the Grand Canyon and Bryce Canyon in Utah.... down through native American Country. We stopped for quiltshops, Antique shops and Rodeos..... 9 days on the road and we never ran out of things to say....
Time we did it again girl.
Everyone needs a Thelma and Louise Trip sometime in their life.
Sometimes in life you 
find a special friend;
Someone who changes your life by just being part of it;
Someone who makes you laugh until you can't stop;
Someone who make you believe that there really is good in the world;
Someone who convinces you that there is an unlocked door waiting for you to open it.
This is forever friendship.

find a special friend;
Someone who changes your life by just being part of it;
Someone who makes you laugh until you can't stop;
Someone who make you believe that there really is good in the world;
Someone who convinces you that there is an unlocked door waiting for you to open it.
This is forever friendship.

Kodi and his quilt
Special things
I gave my 2 year old grandson Kodi a quilt recently. It's one from the stash... one that I made many years ago. It's a large quilt... (I was into large in those days.)It is folded and placed over the rocking horse when he goes to bed and then has to come out first thing in the morning...
He was away all day today and the first thing he wanted when he returned was to have his quilt laid out on the floor.
It's a busy quilt... with lots of chickens and cows, houses, blocks and flowers.... yep, you can tell the era.... mid 90's. Debbie Mum stuff with the compulsory sunflower fabric that always accompanied the houses, chickens and cows and country.
The quilt I began making him when he was born is assembled, but not quilted and isn't as interesting to him as this one.!!!
I never imagined when I made this quilt that I would have a grandson who would appreciate it so much...
I couldn't have given him a better gift.
Life's like that though isn't it. We go through life and a series of events is suddenly connected despite the passage of time.
I've been home 7 days and I finally put in a full days work today....I have to multitask to fit everything in.... but I'm getting there.
Family comes a family dinner yesterday with our newest member "Matilda Rose" present was the usual interesting meal at the Hollands. Those who couldn't be there got to talk on the takes a while when you even the grandchildren have to have their say.
I don't know about you, but I love to get out the good china and the best cutlery... and do it just right. So it ends up being a grand affair.
As I sat there yesterday I realized that I am truly blessed. However, there was a lot of discussion around the table when Kodi's Mum told the story of how she wanted Kodi to come and watch childrens television yesterday. "No, I'm watching Quilting with Bamma" he said and settled down on the settee as the simply quilts music announced the show....his Mum rolled her eyes... A general discussion ensued. The result.... It's time Mother caught the plane again before Kodi is corrupted with quilting.....!!!!!
He was away all day today and the first thing he wanted when he returned was to have his quilt laid out on the floor.
It's a busy quilt... with lots of chickens and cows, houses, blocks and flowers.... yep, you can tell the era.... mid 90's. Debbie Mum stuff with the compulsory sunflower fabric that always accompanied the houses, chickens and cows and country.
The quilt I began making him when he was born is assembled, but not quilted and isn't as interesting to him as this one.!!!
I never imagined when I made this quilt that I would have a grandson who would appreciate it so much...
I couldn't have given him a better gift.
Life's like that though isn't it. We go through life and a series of events is suddenly connected despite the passage of time.
I've been home 7 days and I finally put in a full days work today....I have to multitask to fit everything in.... but I'm getting there.
Family comes a family dinner yesterday with our newest member "Matilda Rose" present was the usual interesting meal at the Hollands. Those who couldn't be there got to talk on the takes a while when you even the grandchildren have to have their say.
I don't know about you, but I love to get out the good china and the best cutlery... and do it just right. So it ends up being a grand affair.
As I sat there yesterday I realized that I am truly blessed. However, there was a lot of discussion around the table when Kodi's Mum told the story of how she wanted Kodi to come and watch childrens television yesterday. "No, I'm watching Quilting with Bamma" he said and settled down on the settee as the simply quilts music announced the show....his Mum rolled her eyes... A general discussion ensued. The result.... It's time Mother caught the plane again before Kodi is corrupted with quilting.....!!!!!
Home again
The temperature plummeted to zero over the past few days... after being in temperatures in the 30's for the past 4 weeks it's hard to get come to terms with the cold.
It takes a few days to get the body clock on the local time... somehow it's always harder when I come home.
I've been home 48 hours now and I think I'm getting back to normal. I was up working in the 'shed' at 2.30 this morning.... then crashed just after breakfast... It's 11.11 am here and 8.44 pm Minneapolis time so I should be eating dinner instead of breakfast... I should be going to bed rather than staying awake.
I will gradually work through the projects I need to complete and enjoy the time with the family....before taking off again in just over a week.
It takes a few days to get the body clock on the local time... somehow it's always harder when I come home.
I've been home 48 hours now and I think I'm getting back to normal. I was up working in the 'shed' at 2.30 this morning.... then crashed just after breakfast... It's 11.11 am here and 8.44 pm Minneapolis time so I should be eating dinner instead of breakfast... I should be going to bed rather than staying awake.
I will gradually work through the projects I need to complete and enjoy the time with the family....before taking off again in just over a week.
On the plane again.
No work yesterday, but a great field trip to Walla Walla and Pendleton.
The road wound through lush green rolling hills, and dipped down to a large silver river, I think it was called the Colombia River.
Of course the first stop was a quilt shop…. The Walla Walla Sew & Vac and Spas
I don’t have a web site for them …but I managed to purchase some wonderful Moda fabric that will match the pictures in my kitchen… it’s actually already pieced for me…. I feel a little embarrassed really…but what the heck.
On we went to Pendleton, which is the home of Pendleton Woolen Mills and the wonderful blankets they make… this is cowboy country… I had a laugh as we followed an elderly cowboy in his car… he had huge steer horns on the bonnet and what appeared to be his entire wardrobe hanging very neatly in on a string in the back seat.
Pendelton Quilt Works was our next stop after an Italian lunch Pendleton Quilt works
It’s a delightful shop full of interesting quilts and projects and staff to keep you entertained.. We spent an hour or more there. My companions, Barbara, Karen, and Marilyn did a little damage with their credit card.
I don’t get a day off very often when I’m teaching and the gals decided that I wasn’t going to work in my room, but see the sights of a small part of Washington and Oregon…We talked about the differences in Quilting in the USA compared to Australia… we shared stories of our quilting experiences and became friends through the joy of quilting.
Today was a teaching day… a little rushed, but I think everyone learned the techniques… the girls are talking of getting together to continue their projects.. and I look forward to the results…We held it in yet another shop and I feel really embarrassed I can’t remember the name… however, I will look it up and correct this blog.
To everyone in the Sew Q guild, Kennewick Washington I thank you for your wonderful Hospitality. It was above and beyond.
Travel tomorrow and the next day and the next day and then I’ll be home, tired but excited to meet Miss Matilda Rose South.
The road wound through lush green rolling hills, and dipped down to a large silver river, I think it was called the Colombia River.
Of course the first stop was a quilt shop…. The Walla Walla Sew & Vac and Spas
I don’t have a web site for them …but I managed to purchase some wonderful Moda fabric that will match the pictures in my kitchen… it’s actually already pieced for me…. I feel a little embarrassed really…but what the heck.
On we went to Pendleton, which is the home of Pendleton Woolen Mills and the wonderful blankets they make… this is cowboy country… I had a laugh as we followed an elderly cowboy in his car… he had huge steer horns on the bonnet and what appeared to be his entire wardrobe hanging very neatly in on a string in the back seat.
Pendelton Quilt Works was our next stop after an Italian lunch Pendleton Quilt works
It’s a delightful shop full of interesting quilts and projects and staff to keep you entertained.. We spent an hour or more there. My companions, Barbara, Karen, and Marilyn did a little damage with their credit card.
I don’t get a day off very often when I’m teaching and the gals decided that I wasn’t going to work in my room, but see the sights of a small part of Washington and Oregon…We talked about the differences in Quilting in the USA compared to Australia… we shared stories of our quilting experiences and became friends through the joy of quilting.
Today was a teaching day… a little rushed, but I think everyone learned the techniques… the girls are talking of getting together to continue their projects.. and I look forward to the results…We held it in yet another shop and I feel really embarrassed I can’t remember the name… however, I will look it up and correct this blog.
To everyone in the Sew Q guild, Kennewick Washington I thank you for your wonderful Hospitality. It was above and beyond.
Travel tomorrow and the next day and the next day and then I’ll be home, tired but excited to meet Miss Matilda Rose South.

Lindsay's Quilt
I woke up this morning thinking about a list I’ve mislaid…. It was a list of students whom I promised to send information to when I was in Coffs Harbor…I guess I have to do some creative investigating….
One of the nicest things about being a Tutor is the interaction with students, and after worrying about my list… I opened the computer…(not under the bed today but sedately in the breakfast room) and there was the most wonderful picture of a quilt made by a student in that class….
It makes it all worth while.
Pasco Washington…. That’s where I’m staying…On October 16th, 1805, the Lewis and Clark Expedition camped in the Pasco area, at a site now commemorated by Sacagawea State Park. The area was frequented by fur trappers and gold traders. In the 1880s, the Northern Pacific Railway was built near the Columbia River, bringing many settlers to the area. Pasco was officially incorporated on September 3, 1891. It was named by Virgil Bogue, a construction engineer for the Northern Pacific Railway, after Cerro de Pasco, a city in the Peruvian Andes, where he had helped build a railroad. In its early years, it was a small railroad town, but the completion of the Grand Coulee Dam in 1941 brought irrigation and agriculture to the area, as well as determining the site of a nuclear power plant at the nearby Hanford Site.
There are several quilt groups in this area… and I have been lucky to meet and share with a number of the ladies… we had a great class yesterday and a talk with lots of laughing last night…Today is rest day and a number of us are off exploring and I will take the opportunity to film….What more can I ask…?
One of the nicest things about being a Tutor is the interaction with students, and after worrying about my list… I opened the computer…(not under the bed today but sedately in the breakfast room) and there was the most wonderful picture of a quilt made by a student in that class….
It makes it all worth while.
Pasco Washington…. That’s where I’m staying…On October 16th, 1805, the Lewis and Clark Expedition camped in the Pasco area, at a site now commemorated by Sacagawea State Park. The area was frequented by fur trappers and gold traders. In the 1880s, the Northern Pacific Railway was built near the Columbia River, bringing many settlers to the area. Pasco was officially incorporated on September 3, 1891. It was named by Virgil Bogue, a construction engineer for the Northern Pacific Railway, after Cerro de Pasco, a city in the Peruvian Andes, where he had helped build a railroad. In its early years, it was a small railroad town, but the completion of the Grand Coulee Dam in 1941 brought irrigation and agriculture to the area, as well as determining the site of a nuclear power plant at the nearby Hanford Site.
There are several quilt groups in this area… and I have been lucky to meet and share with a number of the ladies… we had a great class yesterday and a talk with lots of laughing last night…Today is rest day and a number of us are off exploring and I will take the opportunity to film….What more can I ask…?
Antique shopping
Traveling in the USA is very different to traveling at home…
We just get on a plane and go directly to our destination….Not so here.
I’m in Kennewick Washington State… and I left Long Prairie on Saturday morning to get here on Sunday.....
Long Prairie is about 150 miles from the airport and takes about 2½ hours to get there… the problem is there is only one shuttle a day and that’s at 7.00am.!!!! So off to the cities I went at 7.00 in the morning and spent the day working in the Hotel…. Oh and of course… a little visit to the mall!!!!
4. 30 start on Monday and the 4 hour flight to Seattle Washington left at 7.00 am…. Despite being at the airport some 2 hours earlier than my take off time, I only had 10 mins to get a coffee and a scone.
I have to say most people slept a little on the flight… the guy next to me leaned forward, put his head on the front seat and snored for several hours… I was hoping I didn’t have to go the loo or else I would have had to perform some interesting maneuvers to get past him!!!
Seattle Airport was like a maze.. so down the stairs and 3 different train trips found me at the correct departure gate… a rush to get a sandwich and then I was off to my destination… the scenery was magnificent and at 11.00 am (1.00 pm MN time) I arrived….. Now you really have to think about sustenance because you don’t get fed on the plane… so a little strategy before you leave must take place so you don’t fade away……
I was met by Jo Beth and Karen and taken to lunch….and spent the rest of the day working in my suite…
My darn computer doesn’t like the wireless signal in the room…. So after 3 hours I figured out the problem a decided to start the computer under the bed. Voila…. It worked… I wrote lots of emails on my stomach… but have worked out I can work in the dining room without too much problem….
So it took two days in transit to travel the distance from Adelaide to Sydney !!!!!
Lucky I love planes….!!!!
We just get on a plane and go directly to our destination….Not so here.
I’m in Kennewick Washington State… and I left Long Prairie on Saturday morning to get here on Sunday.....
Long Prairie is about 150 miles from the airport and takes about 2½ hours to get there… the problem is there is only one shuttle a day and that’s at 7.00am.!!!! So off to the cities I went at 7.00 in the morning and spent the day working in the Hotel…. Oh and of course… a little visit to the mall!!!!
4. 30 start on Monday and the 4 hour flight to Seattle Washington left at 7.00 am…. Despite being at the airport some 2 hours earlier than my take off time, I only had 10 mins to get a coffee and a scone.
I have to say most people slept a little on the flight… the guy next to me leaned forward, put his head on the front seat and snored for several hours… I was hoping I didn’t have to go the loo or else I would have had to perform some interesting maneuvers to get past him!!!
Seattle Airport was like a maze.. so down the stairs and 3 different train trips found me at the correct departure gate… a rush to get a sandwich and then I was off to my destination… the scenery was magnificent and at 11.00 am (1.00 pm MN time) I arrived….. Now you really have to think about sustenance because you don’t get fed on the plane… so a little strategy before you leave must take place so you don’t fade away……
I was met by Jo Beth and Karen and taken to lunch….and spent the rest of the day working in my suite…
My darn computer doesn’t like the wireless signal in the room…. So after 3 hours I figured out the problem a decided to start the computer under the bed. Voila…. It worked… I wrote lots of emails on my stomach… but have worked out I can work in the dining room without too much problem….
So it took two days in transit to travel the distance from Adelaide to Sydney !!!!!
Lucky I love planes….!!!!
New York fabric.
The other part of the life of a traveling quilter is the packing and unpacking....
I begin to feel a knot in my stomach rise as I prepare to pack once again... "where do I fit this, what products to I need for the next few weeks"? After deciding, 75lb of products, quilts etc are now winging their way home.... 75lb sounds a lot, but pens and thread weigh an awful lot....
That done, you pack the rest of your goodies.. I still get stressed after all this time.... so I had to go and sit in the sun for an hour and feel guilty that you all at home are suffering the cold.
No.... Work never ends on the road... I had letters DVD's and samples to get out... I emailed, and rang folk re confirmation of classes from South Africa to Japan....then worked on samples in the sewing room.
Boxes posted successfully and cases packed.... we took the opportunity to sit outside and chat until it got dark. The air was clear and crisp and suddenly we heard the sound of a flock of geese.... you can hear them coming for miles.... across the deep blue sky flew the most amazing formation of geese I have ever seen...100's in perfect formation... sometimes dipping, sometimes swaying... Their light colored chests catching the light of the setting sun...
I just didn't have time to grab the camera..
It was a magic moment...
I leave at 7.00 am tomorrow for the cities... and then an early flight on Sunday....
I begin to feel a knot in my stomach rise as I prepare to pack once again... "where do I fit this, what products to I need for the next few weeks"? After deciding, 75lb of products, quilts etc are now winging their way home.... 75lb sounds a lot, but pens and thread weigh an awful lot....
That done, you pack the rest of your goodies.. I still get stressed after all this time.... so I had to go and sit in the sun for an hour and feel guilty that you all at home are suffering the cold.
No.... Work never ends on the road... I had letters DVD's and samples to get out... I emailed, and rang folk re confirmation of classes from South Africa to Japan....then worked on samples in the sewing room.
Boxes posted successfully and cases packed.... we took the opportunity to sit outside and chat until it got dark. The air was clear and crisp and suddenly we heard the sound of a flock of geese.... you can hear them coming for miles.... across the deep blue sky flew the most amazing formation of geese I have ever seen...100's in perfect formation... sometimes dipping, sometimes swaying... Their light colored chests catching the light of the setting sun...
I just didn't have time to grab the camera..
It was a magic moment...
I leave at 7.00 am tomorrow for the cities... and then an early flight on Sunday....
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