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The other part of the life of a traveling quilter is the packing and unpacking....
I begin to feel a knot in my stomach rise as I prepare to pack once again... "where do I fit this, what products to I need for the next few weeks"? After deciding, 75lb of products, quilts etc are now winging their way home.... 75lb sounds a lot, but pens and thread weigh an awful lot....
That done, you pack the rest of your goodies.. I still get stressed after all this time.... so I had to go and sit in the sun for an hour and feel guilty that you all at home are suffering the cold.
No.... Work never ends on the road... I had letters DVD's and samples to get out... I emailed, and rang folk re confirmation of classes from South Africa to Japan....then worked on samples in the sewing room.
Boxes posted successfully and cases packed.... we took the opportunity to sit outside and chat until it got dark. The air was clear and crisp and suddenly we heard the sound of a flock of geese.... you can hear them coming for miles.... across the deep blue sky flew the most amazing formation of geese I have ever seen...100's in perfect formation... sometimes dipping, sometimes swaying... Their light colored chests catching the light of the setting sun...
I just didn't have time to grab the camera..
It was a magic moment...
I leave at 7.00 am tomorrow for the cities... and then an early flight on Sunday....