There is a dramatic event being played out on the TV. I never watch it, it just talks to itself. The heater is on.... The hour is late but I thought I should write the blog.
I arrived home yesterday after 5 days in Brisbane assisting friend Di Mill with her open day.
Di put on a spectacular show for her clients... I think some 80 people in all. Most of whom were shop owners or assistants.
Di and I both attended Quilt Market in Minneapolis and our careers in the Media took a firm step. We did interviews with fabric companies and designers... and then showed it at the Open Day. It was my first attempt at editing and I must say we were quite pleased with the results....Well,the comments were favorable but maybe they were just being polite.
There is a huge amount of work in putting on an event such as this... We haunted furniture shops for just the right table setting and vintage china to set the scene. Next we purchased furniture for the children's corner....Chairs, a table, cot etc.
Di had a huge list to do when I arrived. Make cushions, Quilts, put buttons on dooner covers, make a sample quilt to demo, purchase flowers and drapplique a few quilts....
I don't know how we did it all in the small space of time... I do admit to being rather pooped one evening. But it went off well.
I even had to steal a tassel from her table runner to finish off a vintage cushion....!!! It matched perfectly.
I don't think I can mention that we bejewelled one of the reps red undies.... Well, it wasn't sordid or anything, but we had a makeshift clothesline with vintage hankies hanging on it... when we arrived it seems Tim had hung his red undies up there so serves him right if he ends up with a bejewelled "T" on his derie eire...
I've spent the entire day in the shed... 18 hours exactly, so it's time for bed and a welcome cup of coffee.
I've been working hard on my new web page, I think it will work a lot better than the old one... I have fallen in love with my Mac. (computer that is, not another man)