Still behind with the blog, and catching up on the past few days’ news.
I'm in love with Miami. From the city to the sea there is outstanding beauty. We stayed at South Beach which has a wonderful reputation for its art deco buildings.
Hundreds of buildings have been restored to their early 20th-century appearance.
South Beach was at the heart of an economic boom in the "Roaring Twenties," when rich families looked for a new way to spend their money on

As I mentioned the walk took us along the boardwalk which runs behind our hotel....quite frankly you could just sit there and people watch. However we were fascinated by some of the people we met. Dressed in extremely sober style... probably what we would say is "neck to knee" striped dresses. It took me a while to realize that all the women wore wigs, but some had their heads covered with a constructed turban. I was fascinated... and spent time on the net finding out just why this mode of dress was worn. It seems that the women were Orthodox Jews and were dressed "Modest". Legs, neck and knees covered. No hair to be shown, not even a even a wisp.... The men however were resplendent in the most beautifully tailored suits and head covering. What a contrast in dress between the ‘Modest’ Jewish attire and that of the dedicated beach goers. Ipods are the compulsory accessory and Keith and I didn't let the masses down. I walked the boardwalk listening to a pod cast on the life of one of my favorite composers Georg Handel. I stopped often to photograph the water, the beach and of course the iconic life guard stands. The colors were a feast for the eyes.... Each hotel set up mini towns of beach chairs and umbrellas. The contrast between the blue sky, turquoise sea and colored installations made my heart soar. Sure... I know I'm waxing lyrical. But that's the sort of thing that I get great joy from.
The shopping district of South Beach was as exciting as the beach front. It's a wide mall flanked by art deco buildings of every hue. Restaurants, flower stalls and beautiful people walking small, expensive dogs accent the centre. I went wild with the camera and we finally stopped, sat in the sun and just watched the parade.
I don't think we’ve walked that far at one time for a long time and we got back to the hotel with aching legs....however, there is so much to see and we took off for more tourist pursuits relying on our trusty GPS.