I'm a quilter and I travel the world sharing my love of quilting with friends and students. I find myself in some interesting places and situations - but I wouldn't have it any other way!!!! http://www.pamhollanddesigns.com/
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Tropical Delight
The project I designed for the cruise was actually taken from a photo of a fern I took in New Zealand last year. It’s a Drappliqued fern overlaid with appliquéd fern fronds and a bright orange hibiscus. We’re not using machines on board; however, I’m using a machine to demonstrate appliqué and the stitching. The students all achieved the project and werethrilled with what they achieved. For some it was their first attempt at drawing since they were chidren.... It's surprising just what you can do!..
"Once a year, go some place you've never been before. "