Thursday was class again; we began very early to allow the students time off to visit Cozumel Mexico.
Keith and I took a trip to the Mayan Ruins of Tulum.
Tulum's greatest attraction is its location. It stands on a bluff facing the rising sun looking out on views of the Caribbean that are nothing less than spectacular. In Maya, Tulum means "Wall", and the city was christened thus because it is a walled city; one of the very few the ancients ever built. It was inspiring visiting these ancient ruins that some say began life as early as AD 500. There was a rush to get back to ship on time for our 6.00 lobster dinner. No one wanted to miss the lobster so it was a very full day. I was exhausted and retired early with the intention of getting plenty of rest before a full day of teaching on Friday. I must have slept well; I woke to find that I had slept on my chocolate, placed on my pillow by the cabin assistant….. Choice Joyce, how do these things happen to me.? Friday was our last day at sea and a full day of class. What a way to go to work. I can highly recommend it. However, frivolity aside, the organizers worked incredibly hard to prepare a wonderful trip for the students. Preparation for the class was challenging with the restrictions we had in the classroom but class couldn’t have gone better. I enjoy the chance of working with my peers in a situation like this. We get the opportunity to visit and compare notes on the life of a Traveling Quilter. I imagine it’s the same in any work situation… it’s hard to understand the complexities unless you are involved. Classes over. Fond farewells and the final dinner. Regie the rubber roo, (a 4 ft blow up roo) was won by friend Rita from Alamogordo NM… she now has the responsibility of caring for him for the rest of his life. You go Rita. !!!!!!!