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Miami at last

I'm sitting writing this at the desk in my room and the hotel has inconveniently placed a very large mirror in front of the desk. It's rather off putting when you see your reflection every time you look up. I've found stretching the skin below the ears a help in reducing age, but it only lasts the time you hold your hand to work on that when I get home. Bit of a nip and tuck I reckon.
Time is going very fast on this tour and after a 3.00 am start this morning we have now arrived in Miami. Tomorrow we board the Royal Caribbean Voyager of the Seas for a 7 day quilting tour through the Bahamas. Oh, it's tough. Sue Nickels and I are the teachers. Some of our fellow passengers have arrived already, and I've taken the afternoon to catch up on some work, prepare classes and for my new venture. I hope to make a documentary of a Diary of a Traveling Quilt Teacher. It's just a little add on to 'photographer'. I took possession of my Sony HDV camera (professional cine camera)the other day and traveled with it for the first time today. I saw so many sights in the airport I could have put on film. Unfortunately you are not allowed to use cameras in airports... I almost got arrested in Minneapolis for taking a photo of a mural. Today I just couldn't resist the urge and whipped out the camera to take a photo of a log cabin quilt made of twist ties. Yes that's what I said.... those little tiny twist ties placed end to end to make a paper quilt. Keith stood guard and I broke the law.
So here we sit in Miami, the weather is t'shirt warm. Not like home yet, but vastly different to Minneapolis.

through travel I first became aware of the outside world; it was through travel that I found my own introspective way into becoming a part of it.' - Eudora Welty