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Tall tales from Toowoomba.

I give up!!!... No more toilet tales on the bus. I got the enviable job of being the entertainment on the bus to Brisbane last night... And I reached into the memory and recounted the toilet tales of a traveling quilter.... OK so then I spent the rest of the night dreaming of being lost at a convention and not finding the rest room.....
As you can see I'm in Toowoomba, four days of classes, a lecture and lots of chats with friends and the adventure begins again.
Last night a bus load of us went down to Brisbane to visit with Robyn Pandolph. It was a super evening... 23 of us wended 0ur way down the hills in the little square bus driven by John the bus driver.... Why do bus drivers wear terylene shorts and long white sox..?... John wasn't going to comment on the stories... but his shoulders were shaking as he slumped over the steering wheel....
We dined on chicken wraps and lemonade with a little sustenance... Host Pauline, gave us a flask to sip on... it wasn't till we arrived home that we were informed that it actually was Brandy ad dry....Maybe it was lucky we thought it was coffee..

Robyn Pandolph was just super, she talked about her life, family and her adventure into quilt and fabric design..... we got to fondle her quilts and take lots of photos. Don't tell anyone but we found Di Mill down behind the plush red seats curled up in one of Robyn's quilts.... some folks really take liberties.... proof is in the photo enclosed...

On the road home... more stories and a stop at Mc Donalds for a latte so to say thanks I bought everyone an should have seen the look on the gals face when we ordered 23 ice creams.. at 10.00 at night...
The chatter continued all the way home... John deposited us safe and well and another evening of Quilting related enjoyment completed...