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5.00 am Friday morning and this is my time to catch up on business events. Chats with students, enquiries by my editor, requests for letters and news from home. I don't even attempt them late at night after a busy day. Keith on the other hand can log into the computer in his office and work late into the evening as he does at home, isn't technology amazing. I often wonder where it will end.
I've mentioned in previous blogs about the amount of electronic gear I carry. This trip I've introduced Keith to the Ipod and PDA. He's enjoyed them both. The PDA (our small hand computers) stores all the information we need as travelers. In my pocket, I have all the information on plane times, weather, lists, invoices, contacts, contracts etc. It sounds a little over the top but if you wish to be efficient and run a successful business... it's the way to go.
My Ipod is my relaxation and stores not only music, books, photos, I can use it to store my class notes and presentations. It plugs straight into my digital projector for teaching which I use in class and for lectures. I have 3 cameras and a phone.... all need to be charged and I have cords everywhere.... but well organized.!!!! An efficient office on the road. That’s the first job for the morning then off to explore the delights of Disneyworld in Florida. It’s an amazing experience…
Yesterday we visited MGM. As an Artist I enjoy the artistic side of the parks. The buildings are designed with flare and great detail. The Park salutes the world of showbiz — from the Hollywood classics of yesteryear to the best in popular entertainment. adventure: from rock 'n' roll fantasy to Broadway-style stage spectaculars, from the silver screen to the TV screen to behind the scenes.
It was an absolute delight.