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Freezing 2

Temperatures in the Osakis area of central Minnesota dipped to 21 degrees below zero Friday morning, with winds of about 15 mph, so the wind chill would have been around 45 below zero.
Folks I thought I would die out there in the cold…. It hurts your temples and teeth when you are outside for too long… and by too long I mean 1 few minutes. A man in Osakis died yesterday because he froze…..
Well traveling is the spice of life. Keith and I left our hotel in Minneapolis at about 10.30 am yesterday morning, arrived in our NY hotel at 8.30 pm. Left again at 5.00 am this morning and arrived here in London at 10.00 pm London time. To be honest, it’s two good movies and a couple of meals duration….
Last night in the shuttle we met an Elvis Clone. I spent the entire time just wondering how he got his hair that high…. Of course I didn’t want to stare, but he was sitting in the front so I could examine it quite well. It rose in coif like spun cotton. I looked at Keith’s hair which is ½” long and thought “what man would spend all that time on their hair” I can’t even work out how he did it…he wasn’t a young pup either.
I’m thinking of starting a Cell Phone revolution. I’m sure someone could design some way to stop people talking very loudly on their cell phones about the most intimate of subjects.
When you’re stuck in a confined space like a line or plane….. you have no choice but to listen….what do you do, stick your fingers in your ears and whistle Dixie?. Before we take off, the conversation increases…. In the USA you can use your phone until the plane moves….I reckon it’s a competition to see who can be the last to turn the darn things off… You should hear it when the plane lands…. Bang go the wheels…… ding go the phones… it’s just amazing. Flossy next to us had an argument with her boyfriend. Another guy was working out strategies with his invisible friend of how to dump his wife. Of course you get the execs making big decisions and talking in clipped tones as they prance around with hands in their pockets and attachments glowing on their ears…(personally I think they are just talking to the neighbor) I’ve learnt the most amazing things really. Who needs the soaps.!!!!
Another drama last night. - I think I’m losing it. I forgot to pack the cord to my computer…… I’m so fussy about those things, but I left it for Keith to get from under the desk and then forgot to ask him to get it!!!!!! However, today I purchased an IGO unit, which will be just super, powers, my computer, and everything else, cell phone, palm, camera, ipod…. So it was a blessing in disguise…. An expensive one at that.

"There are always flowers for those who want to see them." Henri Matisse