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Glory Glory Hallelujah

“Glory, Glory Hallelujah”. She Daisy are singing very loudly in my ears so I can work and I must say unashamedly - drown out the sounds the Ninja Turtles on the TV. Mr Kodi is a fan. He’s been so good and we have to fit in with his schedule. The lasagna is cooking in the oven and Callie is about to make a super salad…. Callie the foodie chef can’t cope with not cooking something. Last night we had fish and salad.
3 days of Disneyland is enough in 90 deg heat… I admit to having a bit of a tan, having worn shorts for the past month.
Kodi’s schedule gives me time to do a little work. I need to do a few new presentations, and classes.
To Callie’s amazement, I’ve managed to drive our Cadillac through the LA traffic and even find my way back home… I do admit to having my own a portable GPS that I put in every car I use. It got me through France and all round Britain…..The Cadillac is amazing, cream leather seats, wood trim, it talks to you if you get too close to an object and there’s room for 5 cases, a stroller and a car seat.
We spend an hour or so at the pool in the late afternoon, I forgot my togs, so a dabble in the little pool with Kodi is enough…
Its great having family with me for the last part of the trip…However, I do confess to having to isolate myself with the Ipod every now and then.

I had a disaster yesterday, the water bottle flooded my bag with my good camera in it….!! So no photos yesterday and today… however, I did use the cine camera…
I’ve pulled the camera apart; it is working in part… and hopefully will dry out sufficiently. My camera is an extension of my right hand… I can’t believe it.
Callie has finished the salad and is shaking her head at my gyrations to the sounds of “She Daisy”. I was dancing with the stroller yesterday…. She said, “Mum do you have to embarrass me” At this stage I my life, its payback honey…. Just pure payback.
Whoops the salad is being mixed by hand!!!!