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Balloons in the sky

I arrived home rather pooped, that last hour out of Australia always seems to take a long time.
As I walked out of the airport I was hit by the chill of winter - opposed to the US summer. In the intimacy of the car on the way home, Keith shared with me the sadness of my Dad's Death, I talked with my Brother and Sister as we drove and then my children when I got home. A visit to the Dr to confirm that the trauma of being mugged in South Africa had indeed woken a bout of shingles on my face. The Dr amazed at my recovery and perfect blood pressure. (I for one thought surely he's going to ground me) !!!!!
I managed to stay up till 8.30 and then fell into a dead healing sleep.
Dad's funeral bought his family from interstate and overseas. The church was filled with his friends and those who loved him.... His favorite Hawaiian music played in the background as my brother Robert gave a wonderful eulogy. Mum, bless her got up from the front row and sang with the choir, even at 80 she can hit those alto notes with precision. It was a celebratory day in a way and Dad would have thought we did well.
I laughed as it was recounted to me that Dad's brothers in Tassy got together at the time of the funeral. They blew up dozens of balloons and played Hawaiian music and old hymns.... They put notes in the balloons to send to Dad.... But they just sat on the floor... Then they remembered they had to have helium to send them up to him... So a quick trip down the hill to the local florist and then back up again with the balloons sticking to the ceiling of the car. They sat in the sun and watched the messages fly into a clear blue Launceston sky. Dad would have loved that too.
Today I enjoyed lunch at the local pub with Daughters Rachael and Callie and the two grandchildren. I'm certainly lucky.