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diary of Pam's Entourage

Hi folk,

I thought I would write on the blog tonight and let you know just what it is like to be a member of Pam's entourage. I knew before I left that I would have certain duties to perform while travelling with Pam. She's a superstar you see - I know this is true because I read it in the April edition of the Readers Digest. It said that "Pam Holland is to quilting what Ian Thorpe is to swimming - a superstar with numerous international awards".

The first time my role of "entourage member" was called for was at Hancocks in Padcah. This place is awesome and Pam took off at great speed as she realised that there were many fabrics there that would be Perfect for her big project. Della and I slotted into our roles as Pam raced around grabbing bolts at great speed. We each had a trolley and I would follow closely behind pam, taking each bolt out of her arms and placing it in the trolley while constantly agreeing with her that "yes Pam -that fabic is perfect"! When the trolley was full, I would give Della a signal and she would shoot over with an empty trolley - we would quickly swap - then Della would head for the cutting table with instructions on what yardage was needed for each fabric. Della would then fold the perfect fabric - perfectly, while I continued to take the bolts of fabric from Pam. Sometimes it was difficult to follow her as there were so many people in the store, and the ailses are not wide. I would quickly look for another route and zip around so that I was at our Princesses side again. Once Pam was finished, all she had to do was collect her pre-cut and perfectly folded fabric and head for the checkout. Della and I breathed a sigh of relief and gave each other a "High five" for a job well done.
A member of Pam's entourage also has to listen to clicky disclocated fingers, look at bruised legs, give massages, and correct her when she starts talking with a southern accent. It's just "thankyou" pammy.....not "Thaaaaaankya".

It's been the best week - lots of laughs and I have loved every minute of being Pam's personal assistant while on the road. She is under pressure though. My parents phoned me yesterday to say that Pam hadn't posted to the blog recently and they had been checking everyday to see what I was up to! My mum said it's the best "Spying tool" she's ever had!

take care everyone........Di in Winamac.